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PNG Pukpuks retain Cup

Papua New Guinea Pukpuks retained the Oceania Rugby Championship trophy after defeating Solomon Islands 22-18 at Sir Hubert Murray Stadium in Port Moresby . The Pukpuks were reduced to 12 men in the final seven minutes after three yellow cards were issued to the Pukpuks with the Solomon Islanders mounting a last dash offensive against PNG. A courageous effort in defence...

COP27 opens with call for world leaders not to backslide on emission reduction commitments

The 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP) has opened in the Red Sea city of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, with a plea from the new COP Presidency for a less adversarial and more empathetic approach, as delegates begin negotiations on different thematic areas to address climate change and its impacts. World leaders have...

COP27: Pacific leaders want climate change payments

Pacific leaders will be pressing developed nations for payment at the United Nations' climate conference known as COP27 this week in Egypt. Last year's climate talks in Glasgow ended in acrimony between rich and developing countries over cash for loss and damage as an agreement was pushed back by the United States and Europe. Developing countries say compensation ought to be...

COP27 begins a ‘new era to do things differently’, UN climate change chief declares as pivotal conference gets underway

The UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, should shift the world towards implementation of previously agreed plans to tackle humanity’s greatest challenge, Simon Stiell, the new Executive Secretary of the UN Climate Convention (UNFCCC), said on Sunday at the opening of COP27. “Today a new era begins – and we begin to do things differently. Paris gave us...

1.5 degrees call a fight for humanity as Pacific rallies to COP27: Forum SG Puna

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna says the pressure is on major emitters and all other G20 nations to ensure COP27 keeps the Paris promise alive. “More than any other COP since the 1.5, net zero carbon call was achieved in Paris at the 21st session, this year has to be the year we give our planet and...

Australia will bid for 2026 climate summit with Pacific, but will face pressure to do more this year at COP27

The Australian government will use the UN climate conference in Egypt to launch a bid with Pacific nations to host the 2026 summit and pledge its support for some measures that the country’s previous government rejected a year ago in Glasgow. The COP27 conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, a small resort city on the Sinai Peninsula, is the first since the...

Marshall Islands confirms membership in the Pacific Islands Forum

The Marshall Islands ended two years of being at the centre of controversy over the possible break up of the Pacific’s premier regional organisation when its parliament adopted resolutions reaffirming its membership in the Pacific Islands Forum. The Nitijela (parliament) passed two resolutions in tandem late last month. One rescinds a 2021 resolution that supported ending Marshall Islands membership in...

Vanuatu cabinet named

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishamael Kalsakau has named his cabinet after he was sworn in on Friday. The line up of ministerial portfolios saw a former Prime Minister and President of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), MP Sato Kilman, appointed as Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and Minister of Lands. Graon mo Jastis Party (GJP) MP John Salong as Finance Minister; GJP President...

693,915 registered for Fiji’s 2022 election

A total of 693,915 Fijians have registered for the 2022 General Election which will take place on 14 December. Of this, 348,349 voters are males while 345,566 are females. The final statistics was released by the Fijian Elections Office in Suva. The Central Division has the highest number of voters- 297,649. The Western Division has 260,801 voters; the Northern Division has 99,658 voters...

Cop27 gets off to delayed start after tussle over agenda for talks

The Cop27 UN climate summit has made a delayed start after delegates tussled late into Saturday night and on into Sunday morning over what should be discussed at the conference. At the heart of the disagreement was the vexed question of loss and damage, which refers to the devastating consequences of climate breakdown suffered by the poorest and most vulnerable...

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