693,915 registered for Fiji’s 2022 election


A total of 693,915 Fijians have registered for the 2022 General Election which will take place on 14 December.

Of this, 348,349 voters are males while 345,566 are females.

The final statistics was released by the Fijian Elections Office in Suva.

The Central Division has the highest number of voters- 297,649.

The Western Division has 260,801 voters; the Northern Division has 99,658 voters while there are 26,359 voters in the Eastern Division.

In terms of overseas voters, a total of 9,448 individuals have registered.

A total of 271,769 youths (18-35) have been registered to vote in the 2022 General Election.

According to the statistics released by the Fijian Elections Office, the Central Division has most youth voters with 62,319 females and 63,092 males registered.

In the Western Division, 48,705 female and 49,056 male voters have registered while the Northern Division has 19,342 females and 18,186 male voters.

In the Eastern Division, 4089 females and 5222 males have registered and in terms of overseas youth voter registrations, 663 females and 1095 males have registered.

Meanwhile, the Fijian Elections Office will print an estimated 804,500 ballot papers for the 2022 General Election.

According to the statistics released by the FEO, 614,829 voters are expected to turn up to the polling stations on Election Day and an estimated 668,200 ballot papers will be printed to cater for this.
In terms of Pre-poll 79,086 voters are expected and 106,300 ballot papers will be printed.

For postal voting, 30,000 ballot papers will be printed and the expected number of voters is yet to be confirmed as applications are still open.

The total number of voters on Election Day and Pre-poll will be finalised after postal applications close.

The total number of ballot paper printed in the 2018 General Election was 764,850.

Meanwhile, the Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem, has rejected nominations from the two independent candidates filed last week on the basis that they fail to meet the minimum requirements as stipulated in Section 27 of the Electoral Act.