Last hour appeal to 400,000 plus Fijian voters

An hour before the close of polling in Fiji, the country’s President has appealed to voters to turn up in large numbers and make...

2022 Fiji General Election: 1500 additional police officers deployed

More than 1000 additional Fiji police officers have been deployed around country for the 2022 General Election. Fijian Police Commissioner Brigadier-General Sitiveni Qiliho said the...

Election Day: Early numbers excite Fiji Supervisor of Election

Polling in Fiji is now in full swing as the 2022 General Election continues until 6pm today. Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem has so far...

Fiji on black out period before polls

Fiji goes on a 48-hour blackout period at midnight tonight before its General Election on Wednesday, 14 December. The blackout period means there will no...

OACPS SG wishes Fiji well during the election

By Pita Ligaiula in Luanda, Angola The Secretary General of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), Georges Rebelo Chikoti has...

Professor Prasad claims NFP and PA can lead Fiji

Fiji's National Federation Party Leader Professor Biman Prasad says he and Sitiveni Rabuka are the best alternative leaders. He claims jointly, they can fix Fiji’s...

Fiji Supervisor of Election anticipates 65 percent voter turnout

Fiji's Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem predicts a roughly 65 percent voter turnout on 14 December. Saneem derived this figure from the number of postal...

Rabuka incapable of leading Fijians says FiijiFirst leader Bainimarama

FijiFirst leader Voreqe Bainimarama claims that if The People’s Alliance (PAP) leader Sitiveni Rabuka gets into power, he will take Fiji 100 years back. In...

Postal voters urged to apply on time: Fiji Supervisor of Elections

The Fijian Elections Office is concerned with the amount of postal voter applications received so far. Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem said they expected around...

Fijian Elections Office publishes polling venue list for 2022 General Election

The Fijian Elections Office(FEO) has published the Polling Venue List for the 2022 General Election in accordance to Section 41 (2) of the Electoral...

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