Ongoing uncertainty may well now justify the doctrine of necessity: Samoa Supreme court

The current (political) climate of ongoing turmoil and uncertainty, may well now justify the operation of the doctrine of necessity to validate the events...

Fiji records 721 new cases and six deaths reported

Fiji has reported 721 new positive COVID-19 cases and six deaths Thursday. Ministry of Health and Medical Services permanent secretary Dr James Fong said the...

COVID death toll passes 4 million: Global Vaccine Plan essential, declares UN Chief Guterres

The global death toll due to COVID-19 officially passed four million late on Wednesday, marking yet another “grim milestone” and underlining the urgent need...

Developing nations, UN seek clear plan for promised climate finance

Pressure is growing on rich countries to set out exactly how they will deliver a promised US$100 billion a year in funding to help...

Morrison government rejects call to phase out coal power ahead of UN session on...

A call from a Pacific island neighbour to phase out coal power is one of 55 recommendations the Morrison government has rejected ahead of...

Samoa Supreme Court decision today on motion to enforce its orders

Samoa Supreme Court’s decision whether to enforce its orders of 28 June 2021 after the Attorney General and others did not comply to convene...

FLNKS candidate Louis Mapou elected President of New Caledonia

After five months status quo, the FLNKS candidate Louis Mapou, a member of UNI-Palika has been elected President of the Government of New Caledonia. “It...

HRPP files formal complaint against Members of Samoa’s Judiciary

The Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) has filed a formal complaint against members of the Samoa Judiciary, calling the Chief Justice ‘incompetent’ in handling...

Fiji records 791 new COVID-19 cases ; three deaths reported

Fiji has reported 791 new positive COVID-19 cases and three deaths Wednesday. Ministry of Health and Medical Services permanent secretary Dr James Fong said the...

COVID variants ‘winning the race against vaccines’ warns WHO chief

Variants like Delta are “currently winning the race against vaccines” said the World Health Organization (WHO) chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday, pinning the...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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Global survey reveals ‘truly astonishing’ consensus for stronger climate action

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Yap to begin canvassing votes for 31 May political status referendum

The Yap Election Commission in the Federated States of Mironesia (FSM) on Friday will begin tabulating the ballots cast during the 31 May referendum...