A Blue Economy to Advance Timor-Leste’s Independence Aspirations

By Kanni Wignaraja and Tuya Altangerel Each month Mana Kasian receives a pension of about US$500 from the government of Timor-Leste, along with a...

If we are to have a future, climate justice needs a legal footing

The ICJ should issue a legal opinion on the rights of present and future generations to inhabit a world that is not ravaged by...

European Union and SPREP partner to help Pacific Islands manage and conserve Pacific islands...

The European Union (EU) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) today signed the Pacific Biodiversity and Sustainable Land-Seascapes (Pacific BioScapes)...

Factsheets break down key messages in latest IPCC reports

Eleven factsheets designed to convey and communicate the key findings of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report are available for all...

Protecting the nationality of Pacific Islanders as climate change hits

The impacts of climate change drive people from their homes, what happens to their relationship with their home country? A new report, co-authored by Scientia...

Pacific climate warrior wins 2022 global citizen award

Brianna Fruean, a Samoan Pacific Climate Warrior and environmental champion has been announced as a recipient of the Global Citizen Prize: Citizen Award, citing...

Call for urgent global reduction of fossil fuel use as Pacific dissects IPCC Working...

The latest report from the world’s most authoritative source of climate science demands a substantial global reduction in fossil fuel use, improved energy efficiency,...

2022: The Year to Stop the Decline of the Ocean’s Health

OP-ED by Ambassador Peter Thomson, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean With every breath we take, we are connected to the ocean. The ocean...

As extreme weather ravages the Pacific, there is much to do and no time...

By Mark Howden and Ofa Ma’asi-Kaisamy In the past decade the two most intense cyclones recorded to date in the southern hemisphere ripped through...

The big picture for our big Ocean states in 2022- thoughts from the Blue...

The commentary below takes its cue from remarks led by Forum Secretary General Henry Puna, at the Ministerial Forum for Cooperation in the Indo...

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‘Like a doorway’: Australia strengthens legal ties with Pacific nations

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