Samoa Head of State defies Court order, defers Parliament to August

Samoa Head of State has defied a Supreme Court order for Parliament to convene within seven days, and instead proclaimed that the Legislative Assembly...

France denies cover-up over Pacific nuclear tests

The French government denied any cover up on Friday over radiation levels in the Pacific following its nuclear testing in the region, as discussions...

Fiji records 522 new cases of COVID-19 and three more deaths

Fiji records 522 new cases and three more deaths SUVA, 05 JULY 2021 (FIJI TIMES/FBC NEWS) --- Fiji has recorded 522 new cases of COVID-19...

Japan offers 3 million vaccine doses at Pacific Islands Summit

Japan will provide Pacific island nations and territories with 3 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from mid-July through the UN-backed COVAX global vaccine...

PNG vaccine programme opened to all adults

Papua New Guinea has opened its vaccine programme to anyone over 18 years old as it tries to overcome high levels of hesitancy. Health authorities...

Fiji PM Bainimarama joins Pacific Leaders and Japan at PALM 9 meeting

The Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Leaders and Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihide Suga convened the 9th Pacific Islands Leaders’ Meeting (PALM 9) Friday with...

Forget GDP, ‘vulnerability index best gauges aid’ to small islands

Small island nations on the climate crisis frontlines have been overlooked in overseas aid, according to a new index. Urging a move away from the...

Defiant Tuilaepa to appeal Samoa Court ruling

Samoa caretaker Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said they will appeal part of this weeks’ court ruling especially the orders to convene Parliament within...

Vanuatu Opposition leader conspiracy complaint filed

Vanuatu leader of Opposition, Ralph Regenvanu, has registered a complaint with the police in Port Vila on alleged conspiracy to pervert the course of...

India charter flight denied entry into PNG due to Delta mutation of COVID-19

Papua New Guinea Health Minister Jelta Wong has advised that a charter flight from India was denied entry into PNG due to concerns over...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

The political landscape in Fiji is facing a perfect storm, with the governing coalition and the opposition party plagued by internal divisions. This has been...

AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...