Convene Samoa Parliament: Forum Secretary-General

The Pacific Islands Forum on Saturday reminded Samoa’s caretaker Government of the Biketawa Declaration, which amongst other guiding principles promotes the peaceful transfer of...

Commonwealth urges respect for the rule of law in Samoa

The Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland, has called on political leaders in Samoa to uphold the rule of law and adhere to the values and...

Fiji reports 485 positive cases and three deaths, Over 10,000 test positive since the...

Fiji has reported 485 new cases of COVID-19 and three COVID-19 deaths Sunday. Ministry of Health permanent secretary Dr James Fong has reported that the...

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and Myocarditis: benefits outweigh the risks, says WHO committee

After receiving reports of heart inflammation cases due to myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination with COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna shots, World Health Organisation (WHO)...

PNG records six new COVID-19 cases

Papua New Guinea has recorded six new COVID-19 cases Friday increasing the total number of cases to 17,340. The cases were reported in four provinces:...

Fijians over 60 urged to take Moderna vaccine

Fijians above 60 years of age and have medical conditions such as chronic lung disease, significant cardiac disease, severe obesity, diabetes, liver disease and...

Palau President Whipps urges bold action from world leaders to ensure survival from climate...

Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr called on world leaders to set aside differing political views and collaborate on a bold climate action. The president is...

Climate change expert warns of severe cyclones

The Pacific Island Forum climate change adviser Exsley Taloiburi has warned of more severe tropical cyclones in the region in the coming years. Taloiburi said...

Battle not yet lost, says Fiji’s Heath Secretary Dr Fong

We are not giving up the fight against the COVID-19 virus in Fiji. This was the statement by Health Ministry permanent secretary Dr James Fong...

Time running out for countries on climate crisis front line

The world’s running out of time to limit global temperature rise to below two degrees Celsius, a matter of life or death for climate...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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