COVID-19 vaccine booster doses as Delta variant rips around the world shows ‘disappointing inequality’:...

The COVID-19 Delta variant is travelling around the world at a “scorching pace” driving a new spike in cases and deaths, but it’s exposing...

Fiji’s positive Covid-19 cases spike to 873; minor among reported deaths

Positive COVID-19 cases have spiked yet again for Fiji with 873 new cases and three deaths reported for the island nation Monday. Ministry of Health...

Vaccination remains important part of Fiji response to COVID: Dr Morris

Fiji's Ministry of Health is preparing for increased numbers of severe COVID-19 cases. The Australia and New Zealand medical assistance team( that is working with...

PNG Special Parliamentary Committee to table Gender-Based Violence report

Papua New Guinea Special Parliamentary Committee on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) will table a report for the August session of parliament which will include concrete,...

Tonga People’s Party inspired by Communist Party of China, says PM Tu‘i‘onetoa

A close relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Tonga People’s Party, led by Prime Minister Dr Pohiva Tu‘i‘onetoa, was revealed at...

Samoa caretaker Education Minister resigns

Samoa caretaker Minister of Education Sports and Culture, Loau Keneti Sio, has agreed to resign from office as a result of a post election...

Weeks of training for contactless delivery of Pfizer jabs to virus-free Tokelau

The first batch of Covid-19 vaccines for Tokelau will leave New Zealand on Monday, delivered by the naval ship HMNZS Wellington. The 76-member crew underwent...

Fijian-born soldiers given right to live in UK despite legal battle loss

A group of Fijian-born soldiers who sued the government after being classified as illegal immigrants have been granted leave to remain in the UK,...

Pivotal court hearing today in Samoa

A Supreme Court hearing in Samoa today will determine if the caretaker prime minister will face criminal contempt proceedings. Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, as well as...

Vax rule dilemma – Fiji Law society raises concern over PM’s directive

The manner in which the Fijian Government has enforced directives on people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 is concerning. Fiji Law Society president William Wylie...

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