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UBS faces 10-year ban from PNG as royal commission delivers verdict

UBS Australia could face a ten-year ban from doing business in Papua New Guinea over its role in a controversial US$1.3 billion (US$956 million) loan to the Pacific nation, which has been the subject of a royal commission. Counsel assisting the commission has recommended the Swiss Bank’s Australian unit, law firm Norton Rose and certain individuals involved in the 2014...

John Kerry says the Ocean is finally getting the attention it deserves in the Climate Change fight

By Amy Gunia John Kerry is a lifelong ocean lover and a long-time advocate for their protection. It’s this passion which led the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate to start the Our Ocean conference in 2014 during his time as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. The annual meeting brings together countries, civil society, and businesses to cooperate...

U.S top officials to visit Solomons, Fiji, PNG on China pact concern

White House Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell and the U.S State Department's top official for Asia will travel this week to the Solomon Islands amid concerns that the Pacific country is making a security pact with China. Campbell and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, will lead a delegation to the Solomon Islands, Fiji and...

Solomon Islands official warns country’s leader ‘trying to cement power’ through China security pact

A policy advisor for the Opposition in the Pacific nation has spoken out against a deal with China which would allow the Communist power to build a military base on the Solomon Islands. The Solomon Islands Prime Minister agreed to a controversial security pact with China to cement his political power, a policy advisor for the Opposition in the Pacific...

Fiji Police await AG’s advice on Russian yacht Amadea investigation

Fiji's Police Commissioner Brigadier General Sitiveni Qiliho says they are waiting on the advice of the Attorney General for the next direction in relation to the investigation into the Russian yacht – Amadea. The Amadea is being investigated for possible breaches of Fiji’s Exclusive Economic Zone and money laundering. Qiliho told FBC News their U.S counterparts have made submissions to the...

Cook Islands retrace its breadfruit roots

The Cook Islands and kuru (breadfruit) share a long and interesting history. It was the English explorer Captain James Cook who was the first European to navigate through these groups of islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean, and it was on one of those voyages that Cook stumbled upon the humble tropical food crop in what is now Tahiti, and...

Canberra’s tired old script has led to a less democratic Solomon Islands and a less secure Australia

By Celsus Irokwato Talifilu China must be hoping that Australia persists in its “business as usual” approach to Solomon Islands. An appeasement policy by Australia towards the Solomons prime minister, Manasseh Sogavare, has been outstandingly successful for Beijing over the past few years, and the CCP’s muscular actions in the South Pacific in the last six months seem to anticipate...

Kristian Woolf confirmed as Tonga Rugby League Head Coach, reborn Fifita thrives off Sharks revival

Kristian Woolf will continue to be Head Coach of Tonga’s National Rugby League team ahead of the June test match against New Zealand and the World Cup in England later this year. The Kiwis match against Tonga in June could be accompanied by up to two tests across the Tasman on the same weekend. The New Zealand side are set to...

‘Dreams come true’ for Argentina with victory in Vancouver

Argentina overcame Fiji to record a stunning victory in Vancouver and win their first HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series title in 13 years. The Argentineans played some scintillating rugby all weekend and produced a composed performance in the final to dominate Olympic champions Fiji, the winners in Singapore the week before, to lift the title thanks to a 29-10 victory...

Niue walking the talk on protecting 100% of its Ocean space

The Government and people of Niue, in collaboration with Tofia Niue through the Niue Ocean Wide (NOW) public private partnership, today announced bold new marine legislation passed in November 2021, that will ensure sustainable use across its entire EEZ and sovereign waters (317,500 square kilometres) while also contributing to the global environment, climate action and key sustainable development goals. The...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...