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More time to consult on Fiji Electoral Act Amendment Bill : Law Council of Australia

The Law Council of Australia has backed calls made by the Fiji Law Society regarding the proposed Electoral Act Amendment Bill No. 49, which will be debated in Fijian Parliament today. The Law Council takes the view that Parliament needs to take more time to consider and consult on the proposed Bill to ensure it does not unnecessarily erode citizen’s...

Fiji receives $91.7m in reimbursement over eight years for UN peacekeeping missions

The Fijian Government has received a total of $91,780,940.37(US$41,142,298.98) in reimbursement between 2015 and 2022 for our troops in United Nations peacekeeping missions. Minister for Defence and National Security Inia Seruiratu revealed this in parliament this week when asked to update the House on this subject. He said in 2015, the reimbursement to the Government was around $12,846,973.81(US$5,751,500.56). In 2016, he said...

ADB approves US$30 million loan to boost Palau’s recovery from COVID-19

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a US$30 million policy-based loan to help Palau's economy rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic under the Recovery through Improved Systems and Expenditure Support Programme. “The second and final subprogram of this policy-based operation will help restore Palau to a sustainable fiscal path that it was on before the pandemic hit,” said ADB Public...

Papua New Guinea wants security treaty with Australia -defence minister Marles

Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles said on Wednesday Papua New Guinea had proposed a security treaty between both countries amid increasing tensions in the Pacific islands after China struck a security pact with neighbouring Solomon Islands. PNG Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko also told he had discussed a security treaty with his Australian counterpart, Penny Wong during her visit to Port...

Australia assures PNG citizens on visa issue, position in the region is critical to regional security

Australia has acknowledged the concern raised by Papua New Guineans about the challenges in processes to obtain an Australian visa. Australian Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong told NBC News that they are doing all they can to address this issue. Senator Wong says Australia does not discriminate between countries but have a visa system that looks at managing the entry into...

Nauru Parliament dissolved

The Nauru Parliament has been dissolved and election to be held on on 24 September. “By virtue of the powers in that behalf vested in the Speaker of Parliament, Marcus Stephen, by Article 41(7) of the Constitution of Nauru, and all other powers, and in accordance with the advice of the President of Nauru, hereby dissolve the 23rd Parliament of...

Deadline soon for American Samoa election candidates

The deadline for candidates intending to run in the November general elections in American Samoa for the filing of nominating petitions is 01 September. The Election Office is urging candidates not to wait till the last minute to avoid any problems with verification of their nomination forms. Twenty-four hours before the deadline, there was only one candidate for the election of...

Japan-Fiji foreign ministers’ telephone talk

Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hayashi Yoshimasa Wednesday held a telephone talk with Fijian Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Voreqe Bainimarama. Minister Hayashi stated that Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Bainimarama had a substantial discussion at the informal talk last month, following Minister Hayashi’s visit to Fiji in May, and expressed his willingness to work with Fiji...

Fiji PM Bainimarama urges Fijiana 7s team to do their best in the upcoming sevens tournament

Fijian Prime Minister and President of the Fiji Rugby Union, Voreqe Bainimarama has urged the Fijiana Women's Rugby Sevens Team to play to the best of their abilities in the upcoming Rugby World Cup Sevens Tournament in Cape Town Stadium, South Africa. The Rugby World Cup Sevens Tournament will take place from 09 - 11 September. While presenting the jerseys to...

Fiji Government commits another $3m to Fijian Drua

The Fijian Drua’s journey into the 2023 Super Rugby Pacific season received a major boost Wednesday with the Fijian government’s commitment of another $3 million(US$1.5 million). This is part of our government’s $6 million investment to purchase 51 percent of the Fijian Drua’s shareholding rights with $3m paid out in April. Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum officiated at the signing of...

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Australia in talks with Solomons to expand policing

Australia will help prop up the Solomon Islands police force after a request from its prime minister as the federal government works to increase...

French Ambassador responds to Vanuatu’s Kanak solidarity march petition

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Australia-Solomon Islands Leaders’ meeting

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