Sixteen-year journey of green turtle highlights value of SPREP’s Turtle research and monitoring database...

Sixteen years later since being tagged in 2006, an adult female green turtle tagged in the Federated States of Micronesia as part of the...

‘Enough is enough’: the fight to elect women to Papua New Guinea’s men-only parliament

By Jo Chandler When she first tried for a seat in the Papua New Guinea parliament in 2017, Rufina Peter was a political novice...

Are Australia and New Zealand Compromising on Democratic Ideals in the Pacific?

The best approach to safeguarding democracy in the region is for both countries to demonstrate the prosperity and human flourishing that can flow from...

Violence in the PNG elections is the result of broken systems that Australia cannot...

By Miranda Forsyth and Gordon Peake Elections in Papua New Guinea are notoriously volatile and dangerous. But this year’s elections have involved violence, intimidation, corruption...

RC Blog: Who’s willing to pay for sustainability in the Pacific?

Written by Simona Marinescu, Isabella Massa, Guillaume Lafortune After major setbacks to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Pacific needs fairer access to financing...

New Zealand’s new far, far north? Tokelau set to decide its future

By Samson Samasoni Since 1925, Tokelau has been a New Zealand ‘colony’. That’s set to change – but this trio of atolls 500km north...

Challenges for the Pacific Islands Forum: Between Cohesion and Disintegration?

The Pacific Islands Forum is torn between competing influences. This will have consequences for the Forum’s cohesion. By Professor Stephanie Lawson Just a few years...

Papua New Guinea election violence: what has caused it and what can be done?

The massacre of 18 people in the Highlands confirmed fears that an outdated electoral roll and lack of security could lead to trouble Voting in...

Landmark guidelines aim to protect children uprooted by climate change

New UN-backed guidelines issued on Monday aim to protect, include and empower children forced to flee their homes due to the climate crisis, marking...

Korean doomsday sect gets rich in Fiji with Government help- OCCRP

By Aubrey Belford (OCCRP), OCCRP Pacific, Hyein Kang (KCIJ-Newstapa), and Myungju Lee (KCIJ-Newstapa) Grace Road Church believes a nuclear-tinged Judgment Day is rapidly approaching...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

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