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PNG opposition faction of the National Alliance Party move to government

The Papua New Guinea Opposition faction of the National Alliance Party (NA) has joined the Marape-Basil Government. Party leader, Patrick Pruaitch, in a media conference Thursday said the move is for stability to allow the Marape led Government to complete its term before the 2022 General Elections. The National Alliance party had two factions of its members during last November’s Vote...

Tuvalu receive 4,800 COVID19 vaccine doses

Tuvalu is the latest country in the Pacific region to receive 4,800 AstraZeneca COVID19 vaccine doses. “Congratulations to the government and the people of Tuvalu! Tuvalu is the second country in the Pacific region to receive full vaccines to cover 20 percent of the population under the COVAX Facility,” UNICEF Pacific said on twitter. COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility is co-led...

120,000 voters in Samoa go to the polls today

In a fine sun shiny Samoan day, 120,000 voters go to the polls today to elect a new government following months of intensive and unprecedented campaigning. The ruling HRPP led government of 40 years is facing a real challenge by the seven month old FAST Party led by a former Deputy Prime Minister and former Speaker who left the HRPP...

COVID-19 equitable vaccine scheme reaches more than 100 countries and economies

More than 100 countries and economies have now received COVID-19 vaccines through the UN-partnered equitable coronavirus-busting scheme, COVAX. The first delivery of lifesaving jabs arrived in Ghana on 24 February. Announcing the news on Thursday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that more than 38 million doses of AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech and Serum Institute of India-produced shots (one of the AstraZeneca vaccines...

Samoa election 2021

By Nanai Anae Dr. Iati Iati STANDFIRST Can you remember the last time Samoa had a formidable political opposition? It has been a while, and it has been even longer since a different political party was in government. Nanai Anae Dr Iati Iati offered his insights to the Pacific Cooperation Foundation into the mood of the nation, the most pressing...

The Pacific food revolution will be televised

By Mark Peter Notaras It was a great surprise and honour that Gordon Peake approached us to be the guinea pigs/first interviewees for Devpol’s inaugural ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ podcast. Gordon and podcast curator Julia Bergin have since encouraged us to buck the ‘literary silences’ and write about development in an engaging manner. ‘Use your zestiest voice’ was Gordon’s advice...

Community awareness and consultation on the Freedom of Speech and Opinion

Community awareness consultation on freedom of speech and opinion in Samoa
The Office of the Ombudsman also the National Human Rights Institution of Samoa in collaboration with the Samoa Police and Prisons Service and the Office of the Regulator are spearheading efforts to raise community awareness in selected villages regarding the exercise of the freedom of speech and opinion and its limitations and to promote the safe use of technology...

Pacific Journalists learn and share knowledge on Whistleblowing

Fiji journalists at the PACJN webinar on Whistleblowing
The Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) in collaboration with the United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project (UNPRAC) and UNDP have embarked on an eight month project to build the skills and capacity of journalists to report on corruption in the Pacific. Beginning in March, PINA and UNPRAC have jointly organised two knowledge sharing webinars on Anti-Money Laundering and Whistleblowing for...

Mapping digital rights in MENA: towards a safer online environment

This statement was originally published on 7amleh.org on 10 March 2021. The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media in cooperation with Innovation for Change Middle East and North Africa (I4C MENA) released new research entitled “Mapping Digital Rights in the Middle East and North Africa Region”. This mapping was designed to analyze digital rights in Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco,...

The journalists fighting election disinformation

This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 11 March 2021. By Rebecca Redelmeier/CPJ Audience Engagement Associate With multiple federal investigations underway into the January 6 Capitol riot, concerns still abound about the spread of disinformation around the U.S. election. But the U.S. is not alone in confronting the phenomenon. Disinformation is happening all over the world – especially during...

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Palau Vice President calls for action on Climate, Oceans, and equality at UNGA

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Fiji’s President condemns China’s ballistic missile test at UNGA

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Micronesian President calls for global solidarity at UN General Assembly

President of the Federated States of Micronesia(FSM), Wesley Simina took the global stage at the UN, urging immediate, bold action on climate change, ocean...