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Cambodia: Stop silencing critical commentary on COVID-19

The authorities’ actions are reinforcing the already widespread atmosphere of self-censorship, preventing participation in governance and public affairs, and extinguishing an important safeguard for government accountability. We, the undersigned international human rights organisations, call on the Cambodian government to immediately stop its assault on freedom of expression in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent months, the government has...

End war on nature and ensure ocean health, UN chief says in message for World Oceans Day

Ending the “war on nature” must be part of global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday in his message for World Oceans Day. The annual commemoration on 08 June is a reminder of the major role oceans have in everyday life as “the lungs of our Planet” and as a source of food and...

António Guterres nominated by Security Council for second term as UN chief

US Secretary General
The United Nations Security Council has formally selected the current Secretary-General António Guterres as its nominee to serve a second five-year term in the UN’s top job. The recommendation, made in a resolution adopted by acclamation in a private meeting, now goes to the 193-member General Assembly for formal approval. In a statement, Guterres said it was “a great honour” to...

Covid-19 positive man in Cook Islands charged with making false declaration

Air NZ - Cook Islands
The man who returned a positive test for Covid-19 last week in Cook Islands will appear in court this Thursday. The man, who is a Cook Islander and works overseas, has been charged with making a false declaration on a travel document. Police arrested the man on Saturday after the matter was referred to them by Te Marae Ora health ministry....

U.S. says to work with allies to help Pacific islands amid China rivalry

US & China Flags
The U.S. policy chief for the Indo-Pacific said on Tuesday the United States aims to work with Japan, New Zealand, Australia and others to assist island nations in the Pacific, a region of increasing strategic competition with China. Five Pacific island nations announced in February they would start withdrawing from the Pacific Island Forum, the region's main political grouping after...

Vice Chancellor re-appointment not illegal, says USP Chancellor and Nauru President

The President of Nauru and Chancellor of the regional university, Lionel Aingimea says the Council acted within the guidelines of the University of the South Pacific Charter and Statutes in re-appointing the vice chancellor and relocating his place of work. A sub-committee chaired by President Aingimea presented six recommendations to the USP Council which convened a special meeting on 25...

Judge stays Vanuatu Speaker’s move

Vanuatu Supreme Court judge, Justice Oliver Saksak, has granted a stay on the vacation of 19 seats in the country's parliament. On Tuesday the Speaker of Parliament, Gracia Shadrack, declared the seats of the Prime Minister Bob Loughman and 18 of his MPs vacant because they had been absent from parliament on three consecutive occasions. The MPs were absent on the...

Fiji PM Bainimarama signs sale agreement of EFL shares

Fiji PM Bainimarama
The Fijian Government’s vision to supply 100 per cent of energy in Fiji from renewable sources by 2036 is coming to fruition. This follows Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama signing an agreement on the sale of 44 per cent shares of Energy Fiji Ltd (EFL) to Sevens Pacific Pte Limited Wednesday. Sevens is a joint venture company established in Singapore comprising of...

Solomon Islands ICAC: how did it happen?

Solomon Islands Parliament
by Grant Walton Over the past decade, around the world, the number of anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) – organisations specifically tasked with fighting corruption – has increased significantly. In turn, researchers and policymakers have sought to understand how ACAs are established and why they often fail to live up to expectations. The international literature points to three institutions that determine how ACAs...

The Trump of Samoa

By Oliver Hasenkamp For decades, Samoa was seen as the most politically stable country in the Pacific. Tuila’epa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi served as prime minister for almost 23 years with little opposition. His Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) had been in power for nearly 40 years and was the only party represented in the country’s parliament, the Fono, in the...

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Pacific and Caribbean nations lead global push for maritime emissions levy at MEPC82

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Vanuatu’s first ICJ appearance sees historic result

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Let us tell our stories, Our way, to our own People – PINA President

The President of the Pacific Island News Association (PINA), Kalafi Moala of Tonga is urging Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa who is the Chair...