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Fiji and PIF to expand maritime cooperation with the U.S

Leaders of the Pacific and senior representatives attending the U.S-Pacific Country Summit in Washington DC were hosted to a dinner at the U.S Coast Guard. The leaders were received by the Commandant of the U.S Coast Guard, Admiral Linda L. Fagan, at the U.S Coast Guard Headquarters. Extensive discussions were held on broadening partnerships with Fiji and the Pacific region,...

Niue to host next PINA summit

Niue has secured the hosting rights for the Pacific Islands News Association's (PINA) 2024 media summit. The association's president announced his board's decision on Thursday local time in Solomon Islands. Pacific media practitioners, editors, journalists, and academics have been meeting in the capital Honiara this week as part of the 2022 media summit. At the closing ceremony for the main meetings and...

President Biden unveils first-ever Pacific Partnership strategy

“The United States is a proud Pacific power. We will continue to be an active, engaged partner in the region.” President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. “The history and the future of the Pacific Islands and the United States are inextricably linked.” Vice President Kamala Harris The Pacific Islands region – an “ocean continent” spanning nearly 15 percent of the Earth’s...

U.S rolls out red carpet to Pacific Islands amid China inroads

President Joe Biden’s administration on Wednesday rolled out the red carpet for Pacific Island leaders in the face of rising Chinese influence in the region and said it expected a united front, despite friction with one nation — the Solomon Islands. In a first-of-a-kind summit in Washington, the United States promised greater aid and diplomatic engagement on issues from maritime...

Biden’s Pacific strategy heralds new engagement in region

The White House today unveiled a Pacific strategy designed to bolster US engagement with more than a dozen island nations on issues including climate change and maritime security while pledging to expand the U.S diplomatic presence in the region. U.S President Joe Biden. The Biden administration released its new strategy, as well as plans for US$810 million in new aid for...

Oxfam Pacific: Climate change driving vulnerable communities into poverty

Oxfam in the Pacific says climate change is slowly driving vulnerable communities into poverty and hunger, highlighting that the effects are now a humanitarian call for help. Through a survey, Oxfam reveals that the region's unusual sea intrusions and recent natural disasters have begun to largely affect food gardens, leaving communities with just enough to fill their tummies. The NGO's humanitarian...

30,000+ record crowd on track for Rugby World Cup 2021 opening match day

Rugby World Cup 2021 fever is sweeping New Zealand with over 30,000 tickets already snapped up for the opening day at Eden Park on 8 October and sales on track to set a new attendance record for a women’s Rugby World Cup match day. Opening match day is set to become the most attended women’s Rugby World Cup match day...

‘Not about the money’: Panthers, Samoa star slams ‘crazy’ Suaalii criticism over Kangaroos snub

Panthers star Jarome Luai says criticism towards Joseph Suaalii has been “disrespectful” after the teen sensation’s motives were questioned for choosing Samoa over Australia for the World Cup. Suaalii was a certainty to make the Kangaroos squad but told coach Mal Meninga last week that he wanted to represent Samoa instead. The Roosters winger said it was “one of the most...

Fiji’s PM and Pacific Leaders meet at U.S State Department to deepen U.S Pacific relations

Leaders of the Pacific Island Forum family convened at the U.S Department of State for the opening of the first-ever US-Pacific Island Country Summit in Washington today. Chair of the Pacific Island Forum and Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, while delivering his address, said this week will be the most significant engagement between the Pacific Islands Forum and the United...

Antony Blinken suggests all countries set to join historic U.S-Pacific declaration, despite earlier Solomon Islands refusal

U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken says Pacific Island nations have agreed to a "new partnership" with the United States ahead of a meeting with President Joe Biden on Friday. Pacific leaders sat down with Mr Blinken and a host of senior officials in Washington on Thursday on the first day of a historic White House summit. The Biden Administration has...

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Palau Vice President calls for action on Climate, Oceans, and equality at UNGA

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