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Pacific voices crucial in global plastic treaty – Greenpeace

There are calls for Pacific and indigenous voices to be at the forefront of global plastics treaty talks, along with stronger action from New Zealand government and business. Greenpeace plastics campaigner Juressa Lee was virtually present for the first round of negotiations and says it's time for the big companies to get out of the room and let the smaller,...

FijiFirst leads provisional results

As at 7am today before the provisional results were flushed, FijiFirst Party was leading the tally board with a total of 162,084 votes, in the one-day election in Fiji. The provisional results are from 1, 238 of the 2, 071 stations already counted from the close of polls on Wednesday evening. The People’s Alliance is second with a total of 115,358...

Be wary of outsiders, says Pacific leader who thwarted China

One of the Pacific’s top leaders has endorsed Australia’s newly inked security treaty with Vanuatu, warning that the Pacific “family” has to make sure outside forces do not come in and disrupt the peace and stability of our region. Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) President David Panuelo, who played an instrumental role in thwarting China’s bid for a Pacific-wide security...

‘We worry about the future,’ Pacific youth advocate for survival at COP15

Youth representatives from Pacific islands attending the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal Canada this week, have issued a challenge to world leaders present. “Please take the time to come and visit our Pacific countries so you will know what we are talking about. Sitting here and talking about the issue is...

France rules out New Caledonia referendums for five years

The French government says it won't organise another referendum in New Caledonia during the president's current five-year term. A year ago, then-overseas minister Sebastien Lecornu said he planned to have a vote on a new statute for New Caledonia by June 2023. This was after last December's third independence referendum rejected the option of full sovereignty. The vote concluded the decolonisation process...

Pacific nations are bracing to lose tons of Tuna from their waters

Pacific leaders are developing a new warning system, not against hurricanes, tsunamis or even erupting volcanoes but rather the looming departure of vital tuna from their territorial waters in the years to come. That so-called “advanced warning system” is part of a larger, US$70 million proposal currently moving through the United Nations to help Pacific Island countries better react to...

2022 elections, a perfect opportunity for a civilised revolution against the government, PAP Leader

People’s Alliance Party (PAP) Leader Sitiveni Rabuka says the 2022 General Elections provided a perfect opportunity for the people of Fiji to have a civilised revolution against the Bainimarama Government which he claims had not delivered to people’s expectations. “The fact that there were a lot of complaints during the campaign means that the people who complained and voted had...

Unity Fiji leader confident of winning 22 seats

Fijian politician Savenaca Narube says the Fiji 2022 General Election is a day of victory for democracy, law and order and fairness that will herald in a new destiny for the country. Speaking to PACNEWS today, the Unity Fiji Party leader is optimistic about the results of the polls, anticipating 22 seats in Parliament after the official results are released...

NFP to closely monitor the counting and tallying of Fiji election results

National Federation Party leader Biman Prasad says they will monitor the counting process of the 2022 General Election to ensure the results are credible. “We will monitor the counting and the tallying process, and the final result to ensure it is transparent so that we feel confident that what comes out at the end of the day is credible,” Prasad...

Last hour appeal to 400,000 plus Fijian voters

An hour before the close of polling in Fiji, the country’s President has appealed to voters to turn up in large numbers and make their vote count. His plea to the nation echoes the polling update result at 4pm from the Fiji Elections Office which recorded a low voter turn-out of just 285,845 votes cast from 7.30am to 4pm –...

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Pacific Island nations vote against UN resolution on Israel’s occupation

Seven Pacific Island nations - Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, and Tuvalu were among the 14 countries...

NZ votes for Middle East resolution at UN

New Zealand has voted for a United Nations resolution on Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian Territory with some caveats, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. “New...

Niue champions community of practise to strengthen Pacific countries’ access to climate finance

Niue is taking the lead to build a community of practice for National Designated Authorities (NDAs) from Pacific countries to share, learn from each...