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U.S confirms recognition of the Cook Islands as a sovereign state

The United States (U.S.) President Joseph Biden has announced U.S recognition of the Cook Islandsas a sovereign state during his Summit with PacificIslands Countries (PIC) Leaders including PrimeMinister Brown. High on the list of commitments announced by the Biden-Harris Administration today to implement the Declaration on U.S,-Pacific Partnerships was “Under the Biden-Harris Administration we will recognize the Cook Islands and...

Could a digital twin of Tuvalu preserve the island nation before it’s lost to the collapsing climate?

When Tuvalu vanishes beneath rising seas, its diaspora still want somewhere to call home – and that could be a virtual version of the tiny Pacific nation. Global heating is threatening to submerge Tuvalu by the end of the century, and its 12,000 inhabitants are considering the future. Dr Eselealofa Apinelu, Tuvalu’s former attorney general and current high commissioner to Fiji,...

PINA board elected

Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) president and CEO of Papua New Guinea's national broadcaster NBC Kora Nou, is in for his second term as the PINA president. During its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Honiara, Solomon Islands Kora was re-elected as President. Robert Iroga, Publisher Solomon Islands Magazine was elected Vice President. Also elected to the board are: *Fred Wesley, Editor in Chief...

Declaration on U.S.-Pacific Partnership

We—the governments of Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and the United States of America—meet on the occasion of the first-ever U.S.- Pacific Islands Summit, held at the White House in Washington, D.C. from 28-29 September 2022. Forged...

SPREP congratulates winners of 2022 Vision Pasifika Media Award

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) congratulates the winners of the 2022 Vision Pasifika Media Award. Launched with financial support from Aotearoa New Zealand, and facilitated by a partnership between SPREP, Pacific Islands News Association (PINA), Internews Earth Journalism Network and the Pacific Environment Journalists Network - the 2022 Vision Pasifika Media Award commemorates the role of...

U.S boosts police training, defence, investment and COVID funds in new Pacific strategy

U.S President Joe Biden's administration has announced a slew of new programmes to substantially broaden the United States' presence in the Pacific. The U.S has promised to expand police training, sign new defence pacts, boost investment in the region, ramp up development initiatives and plough more than US$75 million into helping Pacific economies recover from the COVID pandemic. The U.S will...

Fiji and PIF to expand maritime cooperation with the U.S

Leaders of the Pacific and senior representatives attending the U.S-Pacific Country Summit in Washington DC were hosted to a dinner at the U.S Coast Guard. The leaders were received by the Commandant of the U.S Coast Guard, Admiral Linda L. Fagan, at the U.S Coast Guard Headquarters. Extensive discussions were held on broadening partnerships with Fiji and the Pacific region,...

Niue to host next PINA summit

Niue has secured the hosting rights for the Pacific Islands News Association's (PINA) 2024 media summit. The association's president announced his board's decision on Thursday local time in Solomon Islands. Pacific media practitioners, editors, journalists, and academics have been meeting in the capital Honiara this week as part of the 2022 media summit. At the closing ceremony for the main meetings and...

President Biden unveils first-ever Pacific Partnership strategy

“The United States is a proud Pacific power. We will continue to be an active, engaged partner in the region.” President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. “The history and the future of the Pacific Islands and the United States are inextricably linked.” Vice President Kamala Harris The Pacific Islands region – an “ocean continent” spanning nearly 15 percent of the Earth’s...

U.S rolls out red carpet to Pacific Islands amid China inroads

President Joe Biden’s administration on Wednesday rolled out the red carpet for Pacific Island leaders in the face of rising Chinese influence in the region and said it expected a united front, despite friction with one nation — the Solomon Islands. In a first-of-a-kind summit in Washington, the United States promised greater aid and diplomatic engagement on issues from maritime...

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