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Nauru’s new President takes oath

The government of the new Nauru President Russ Kun has been sworn in today and his executive includes 13 members out of the 19 MPs in parliament. Kun retains many of the key portfolios for himself, handling, foreign affairs, police and justice among many others. Stephen Hunt takes on finance, Wanani Dowiyogo has the fishing portfolio and Timothy John Ika will...

Draft U.S-Pacific declaration shows diplomatic wrangling over security, climate change

A draft joint declaration being negotiated by the United States and Pacific Island countries condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine, flags intensifying American security cooperation with the region and declares climate change is the “highest priority” and “single greatest existential threat” to the Pacific. However, Pacific nations appear to have stripped away a section which seems to take aim at the...

Pacific Forum Leaders begin milestone summit with U.S President

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders begin a milestone summit in Washington this morning, as part of two days of engagement and talanoa with the Biden administration. The sessions will discuss and shape the region's collective partnership with the United States Government, particularly as it reviews and looks to strengthen its engagement in the Pacific region. Framed around the 2050 Strategy for the...

Biden looks to win over Pacific Island leaders at summit

President Joe Biden is hosting Pacific Island leaders for a two-day summit as the U.S looks to counter China’s military and economic influence in the region. Pacific Island leaders, meanwhile, see an even more pressing concern: climate change. Secretary of State Antony Blinken kicked off the summit on Wednesday with a luncheon for the Pacific Island leaders and other senior officials...

New Zealand reminds U.S of Pacific needs

-New Zealand has cautiously welcomed a new US-led Pacific agreement, while reminding American diplomats of the primacy of the key issue in the region - climate change - and the Pacific Islands Forum. Pacific nations are heading to the White House this week for a summit with President Joe Biden as the .US looks to regain trust with a region...

Tonga lifts health restrictions, ends two States of Emergency

After two-years and six-months, Tonga has lifted most of its COVID-19 health restrictions, including that for international travel and the national curfew, effective from 27 September. The border has now fully re-opened, with a requirement for foreign adults to provide proof of vaccination before arrival. The Acting Prime Minister Hon. Samiu Vaipulu, with the CEO of Health, Dr. Siale ‘Akau’ola and...

Centering Pacific Grassroot Voices: Climate Justice stakeholders will gather for Regional Climate Summit Ahead of COP27

Registrations are now open for the ‘Pacific Climate Justice Summit,’ which will be held from the 4th - 5th October 2022. With the theme ‘Securing Climate Justice: From Grassroots Action to Global Traction’, the Summit will bring together a wide range of key actors from grassroots communities, national governments, civil society, faith communities, and development partners to elevate the voices...

Outcomes Statement – Sports Media Dialogue – at the 6th Pacific Media Summit

Preliminary Representatives of the Sports Journalists Associations in the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea with the exception of Fiji, gathered in Honiara, Solomon Islands on the 26th of September 2022 to participate in the PINA and ONOC organised Sports Media Dialogue as part of the 6th Pacific Media Summit hosted by the Media Association of the Solomon...

Russ Kun elected Nauru president unopposed

Russ Kun is the newly elected president of Nauru, nominated unopposed in the inaugural sitting of the 24th Parliament, Wednesday. Marcus Stephen was re-elected as the Speaker of Parliament and former president Lionel Aingimea as Deputy Speaker. This is the fourth parliamentary elections Kun has contested having first entered politics in the 2013 general elections and was duly elected placing third...

U.S Pacific summit faces rocky start as island leaders reject Washington’s offers

U.S attempts to bolster ties with Pacific islands have suffered a major blow on the eve of its landmark summit, with Solomon Islands rejecting a draft U.S agreement, and Micronesian leaders raising serious concerns about “insufficient” financial assistance to the region, leaked documents obtained by the Guardian reveal. Joe Biden is hosting a number of Pacific leaders in Washington for...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

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On the vivid coastlines of Suva an unexpected sight often catches the eye: the traces of human activity washed ashore. Amidst this litter, Suzanne Turaganiwai...

Coalition Government settles Fiji’s longest workers dispute with $9.2 million pay-out

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