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Oceania Rugby appoints Frank Puletua as its new General Manager

Oceania Rugby (OR) has announced the appointment of Frank Puletua as its new General Manager (GM) following a global search and unanimous endorsement from the Oceania Board. Puletua joins OR following over 10 years at the National Rugby League (NRL), most recently as the GM International Strategy & NRL Awards since May 2018. Puletua has a deep understanding of sport and...

FijiFirst clarifies it’s still in government until the election of PM on the floor of Parliament

- FijiFirst General Secretary, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has spoken out for the first time after the result of the election was made public on Sunday – clarifying that Voreqe Bainimarama and his cabinet remain in government until a new Prime Minister is elected in Parliament. Khaiyum said there is no other Prime Minister until an election in Parliament, when the President...

The PA-NFP-SODELPA Coalition Calls for Calm

The People’s Alliance (PA), National Federation Party (NFP) and Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) coalition supports the Fiji Police Force call for calm and for all Fijians to respect the political process. “Reports of violent incidents overnight by the Commissioner of Police are disturbing and must cease immediately,” Sitiveni Rabuka, the leader of the PA-NFP-SODELPA coalition and Prime Minister-designate, said...

NZ told to respect Fiji election process: Bainimarama

Outgoing Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has blasted New Zealand Foreign Minister saying she should respect the election process of the Pacific nation. Bainimarama was replying to New Zealand's Foreign Minister Nanai Mahuta’s tweet, endorsing the new Fijian coalition government. “You got the wrong country. “You’ve jumped the gun please respect our laws and pull down your tweet,” Bainimarama said in his...

Diluting Japan’s nuclear wastewater not the solution—U.S Marine labs call for stop to Fukushima dumping plans for Pacific

Global scientists leading some of the world's best marine laboratories have called for a stop to Japan's plans release of over 1.3 million tons of radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster into the Pacific Ocean next year. The U.S National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML), an organisation of more than 100 member laboratories, expressed their opposition...

I remain SODELPA General Secretary says Duru

The outgoing Social Democratic Liberal Party General Secretary Lenaitasi Duru claims he remains the party’s General Secretary. Duru said he has resigned from his position but has given a 30-day notice, so his resignation will become effective from 20 January next year. Duru said the management board has 43 members however, 13 seats are vacant at the moment because constituencies will...

Shift in tuna populations could cost small Pacific islands $90 million a year

In Tuvalu, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, and other small Pacific island nations, the tuna fishing industry is a linchpin of the economy. “It is very significant … mainly in revenue for the countries,” says Sangaalofa Clark, CEO of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office. The organisation was created by an agreement among small Pacific islands to collaboratively manage the region’s...

Laura Lochman encourages Pacific women to be part of Energy sector

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) launched the Women in Energy Strategy with the United States Department through the Bureau of Energy Resources and the US Embassy in Suva, in October. Pasifika Environews spoke to the U.S Department of State Bureau of Energy Resources Deputy Assistant Secretary, Laura Lochman. 1.Could you elaborate on the Women in Energy Strategy that...

Fiji Coalition parties formalise partnership

The coalition of the People’s Alliance (PA), the National Federation Party (NFP), and Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) has been formalised to form a new government in Fiji. The parties’ representatives held an official signing ceremony last night at the Yue Lai hotel in the same board room where negotiations were held the day before. The documents were signed by PA...

Do not bully us: SODELPA Member Kepa

The Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA)has sounded a warning to its Fiji coalition partners not to bully them. Former party leader, Ro Teimumu Kepa says despite having a three-seat minority in the coalition with The People’s Alliance and National Federation Party, SODELPA will ensure its voice is heard in Parliament. “We are the smallest in the coalition partner and I hope...

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