The PA-NFP-SODELPA Coalition Calls for Calm


The People’s Alliance (PA), National Federation Party (NFP) and Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) coalition supports the Fiji Police Force call for calm and for all Fijians to respect the political process.

“Reports of violent incidents overnight by the Commissioner of Police are disturbing and must cease immediately,” Sitiveni Rabuka, the leader of the PA-NFP-SODELPA coalition and Prime Minister-designate, said in a statement released a short time ago.

“I urge the people of Fiji to respect the rule of law, and to allow the political process to continue without hindrance.

“The PA-NFP-SODELPA coalition condemns any attempt to derail the peaceful democratic process through violent acts or any acts of hooliganism.

“I call on leaders of all political parties, religions and communities to urge our people that respect for the rule of law remains paramount during this time. The Coalition aspires to the peaceful transition of power that can be achieved through mutual respect for each other.”

Earlier today, the Fiji Police Force were concerned with number of reports of stoning incidents received last night targeting the homes and businesses of Fijians of Indian descent.

“We urge all Fijians to celebrate responsibly and with humility and also request political party leaders to stress the same to their supporters.

The Chief Operations Officer (COO) Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Abdul Khan will be revisiting political party leaders today to discuss the same issues of concern.

Police are also calling on social media users to be mindful of what they post, so as not to create unnecessary panic and fear based on rumours and unsubstantiated information.