I remain SODELPA General Secretary says Duru


The outgoing Social Democratic Liberal Party General Secretary Lenaitasi Duru claims he remains the party’s General Secretary.

Duru said he has resigned from his position but has given a 30-day notice, so his resignation will become effective from 20 January next year.

Duru said the management board has 43 members however, 13 seats are vacant at the moment because constituencies will need to reappoint their representatives to the board.

“It is unfortunate that management board members like Tanya Waqanika are already out on social media and are calling me an idiot. It is shameful, that’s the kind of people that are sitting on SODELPA’s board that do not have any shame or any standard of ethics, why are they going on social media, that is the biggest question. I have tendered my resignation but it is going to be effective on 20 January.”

Duru said the team found that membership of some board members who voted Tuesday had expired.

He added that SODELPA was supposed to screen its members first before allowing them into the foyer.

Due to this, Duru said as the officer in charge he is responsible for ensuring that the fairness and accountability of this exercise are maintained.

Duru confirmed he has written a letter to the President and the Secretary-General of Parliament requesting a deferment of the first Parliament sitting for the new government.

FBC NEWS have reached out to SODELPA officials for a comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, an official communication has been sent to the President confirming the New People’s Alliance, National Federation Party and SODELPA government is ready to lead under the new Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka.

NFP Leader, Professor Biman Prasad said the leaders are pleased to give Fijians a Christmas present of a strong and united coalition government ready to respond to their call for change.

“People have chosen a new way, a new path, and a new government and we the coalition partners now the People’s Alliance, the NFP, and SODELPA, promise the people of Fiji that a new era will be starting as the new government takes on the power in this country.”

PA Leader, Sitiveni Rabuka thanked Fijians saying they voted for change and they have given them that.

He also thanked outgoing FijiFirst Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and his cabinet for running the affairs of the nation.

“Losing and the election is not the end. I lost in 1999 and I kept trying. I’ve been given the opportunity this time, once in 2018 and again this time and different party, and play yours cards right. Lead your team well and work hard.”

16 members of the SODELPA Management Board voted in favour of PAP and NFP, while 14 voted for FijiFirst.

In another development, the Fiji Police Force is calling for calm and is urging all Fijians to respect the political process following recent political developments.

“We are concerned about the number of reports of stoning incidents received last night targeting the homes and businesses of Fijians of Indian descent.

“We urge all Fijians to celebrate responsibly and with humility and also request political party leaders to stress the same to their supporters,” a statement from Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho said.

The Chief Operations Officer (COO) Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Abdul Khan will be revisiting political party leaders today to discuss the same issues of concern.

“Through community policing efforts, community visitations are being conducted throughout Fiji, targeting business operators, religious institutions, farming communities to provide assurances that we remain focused on ensuring a safe conducive environment for all Fijians during the post-election period.

“We also call on social media users to be mindful of what they post, so as not to create unnecessary panic and fear based on rumours and unsubstantiated information,” said Qiliho in a statement.