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First batch of 132,000 vaccines arrives in Port Moresby through COVAX facility

With over 1,500 essential workers already vaccinated in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Health Minister Jelta Wong is optimistic that the numbers will continue...

Mountains of Hydro trouble

By Samisoni Pareti Mountain tribes in Fiji are thwarting plans by the country’s power monopoly to build a multi-million hydro power plant. The people of Nubu...

Palau ‘would welcome British aircraft carrier’ to counter China’s reach in Pacific says president

-The Royal Navy’s carrier strike group would be welcome to visit Palau when it deploys to the Indo-Pacific this year, as the island attempts...

FAST candidates targeting senior Samoa ruling Human Rights Political Party MPs

Across several constituencies, FAST candidates are chipping away at the lead held by Government MPs on their seats, including senior Cabinet Ministers, early figures...

PNG opposition faction of the National Alliance Party move to government

The Papua New Guinea Opposition faction of the National Alliance Party (NA) has joined the Marape-Basil Government. Party leader, Patrick Pruaitch, in a media conference...

120,000 voters in Samoa go to the polls today

In a fine sun shiny Samoan day, 120,000 voters go to the polls today to elect a new government following months of intensive and...

COVID-19 equitable vaccine scheme reaches more than 100 countries and economies

More than 100 countries and economies have now received COVID-19 vaccines through the UN-partnered equitable coronavirus-busting scheme, COVAX. The first delivery of lifesaving jabs arrived...

Samoa election 2021

By Nanai Anae Dr. Iati Iati STANDFIRST Can you remember the last time Samoa had a formidable political opposition? It has been a while, and...
Community awareness consultation on freedom of speech and opinion in Samoa

Community awareness and consultation on the Freedom of Speech and Opinion

The Office of the Ombudsman also the National Human Rights Institution of Samoa in collaboration with the Samoa Police and Prisons Service and the...

Mapping digital rights in MENA: towards a safer online environment

This statement was originally published on 7amleh.org on 10 March 2021. The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media in cooperation with Innovation for...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka confirmed Friday that Kalaveti Ravu has resigned as Minister for Fisheries and Forests. Ravu was charged by the Fiji Independent...

Artivist turns trash into treasure: A fight against plastic pollution

On the vivid coastlines of Suva an unexpected sight often catches the eye: the traces of human activity washed ashore. Amidst this litter, Suzanne Turaganiwai...

Coalition Government settles Fiji’s longest workers dispute with $9.2 million pay-out

Fiji’s longest workers dispute – at the Vatukoula Gold Mine, which has lasted 33 years, is expected to be finally settled, with a promised...