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Restoration call for area ‘the size of China’ to protect falling biodiversity and food...

An area of land roughly the size of China needs restoring if the planet’s biodiversity and the communities who rely on it are to...
UNGA President, Ambassador Volkan Bozkir of Turkey

UN states seek more teeth and sting in the corruption fight

By Samisoni Pareti Ensuring general elections are transparent, free and fair and that the independence of the judiciary are upheld are among key features...

Fiji Parliament passes laws against COVID-19 breaches, 28 new cases reported

Fijians who continue to flout certain advisories and are not adhering to the COVID-19 measures will now be issued on the spot fines. The Public...

FIFA President reinforces commitment to good governance at UN General Assembly

FIFA President Gianni Infantino has reinforced the importance of protecting the integrity of sport, while speaking at a special United Nations General Assembly event,...

ONOC Digest – 50 Days to Go to the Tokyo Games

Aussie Spirit depart for Japan ahead of Tokyo 2020 (Australian Olympic Team) Based in Ota City, Gunma Province, the squad of 23 are the first...

Uncertain times for Fiji-listed companies

Fiji’s second COVID-19 wave continues to batter the economy, and a series of market updates released by companies listed on the South Pacific Stock...

Fiji Health act amendment bill to curb COVID-19 breach tabled in Parliament

Fiji's Public Health Amendment Bill 2021 has been tabled in Parliament today. Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, said the amendment to the Public Health Act is...

Fiji PM: No need for a state of emergency

There is no need for a state of emergency to be declared, Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama told Parliament Wednesday. He was responding to SODELPA...

OPINION: Focus on reducing barriers to private sector success, Cook Islands PM says

A recession is not the time to cut government spending, it is a time when government is expected to front up and stimulate the...

Pandemic shocks: Fiji Reserve Bank

The recent pandemic shock will further affect fiscal revenue collections and increase expenditure commitments of the Government, forecasts the Reserve Bank of Fiji. In its...

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Australia in talks with Solomons to expand policing

Australia will help prop up the Solomon Islands police force after a request from its prime minister as the federal government works to increase...

French Ambassador responds to Vanuatu’s Kanak solidarity march petition

In response to the petition presented to the deputy French Ambassador during a solidarity march led by the Vanuatu President of the Malvatumauri Council...

Australia-Solomon Islands Leaders’ meeting

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia, welcomed Jeremiah Manele, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands to Canberra on 26 June 2024 on his first international...