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Bougainville referendum vote must be ratified, says PNG Opposition leader Namah

Papua New Guinea Opposition leader Belden Namah says the Bougainville referendum vote for independence must be ratified by Parliament. “The vote was taken under the watch of this Parliament (so) this Parliament is duty bound to deal with it,” he said. He said it should not be deferred to the next Parliament. “I have been wanting to speak on this matter in...

UNICEF chief Henrietta Fore resigns ‘with a heavy heart’

The head of the UN Children’s Fund, Henrietta Fore, announced her resignation on Tuesday, in order to devote herself fulltime to caring for her husband, who is suffering from what she described as a serious health issue. Fore said it had been “a difficult decision”, and in a message to staff, described holding the office of Executive Director as “a...

‘Physicality’s a non-negotiable’: All Blacks pack put on notice by feisty Fijians

“The physicality’s a non-negotiable of test rugby, and All Blacks rugby.” And with that, Scott Barrett would have had forwards coach John Plumtree at least buoyed that the message is getting through. Now, it’s just about seeing it on game-day. Two words by now must be imprinted in the minds of the All Blacks from last weekend’s first-test win over Fiji in...

Manu Samoa taking nothing for granted after Tongan win

Samoa are under no illusion that their place in the 2023 Rugby World Cup is already secure. The Manu beat Tonga 42-13 in the first of two qualifying matches, with the overall aggregate winner to seal their spot in France in two years time. Vaovasamanaia Seilala Mapusua's side have a 29 point buffer heading into Saturday's second test against the 'Ikale...

SPREP reaccredited to World’s largest climate fund

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme has been successfully reaccredited to the Green Climate Fund as a Regional Implementing Entity. Pacific island Members can apply for GCF funding for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects through SPREP. To renew accreditation, SPREP had to meet strict and extensive fiduciary, governance, project management and other organisational performance standards. “We’re very pleased to...

Vanuatu 19 MPs’ appeal verdict on Friday

Vanuatu Court of Appeal will rule on the appeal of the 19 Members of Parliament (MPs) against Judge Oliver Saksak ‘s judgment on Friday this week. Judge Saksak had dismissed their Constitutional application on their claim that the Speaker of Parliament had no power to declare the seat of a member of parliament vacant, only the Supreme Court on the...

‘It’s heartbreaking’: Fijians in Australia rally as COVID-19 ravages their homeland

Just four months ago, Fiji had kept COVID-19 at bay. The Pacific country, which instituted strict border controls and quarantine, had recorded 68 cases between March 2020 and 09 April 2021. A travel bubble with Australia and New Zealand, which would have revived its struggling economy, was on the table. Today, the country is recording daily case numbers of over 700 infections,...

‘It’s just like flu’: misinformation and fear hamper Papua New Guinea’s Covid vaccine rollout

Three months since Papua New Guinea launched its Covid vaccine rollout, just 60,000 people – or 0.6% of the population – have received their first dose, with many people hesitant due to misinformation and fears around the vaccine. Despite a recent surge in cases that has overwhelmed the already rickety health system, just over 2,800 people have received their second...

US$345 billion loss in trade for Commonwealth countries due to pandemic

Commonwealth countries are estimated to have lost up to US$345 billion worth of trade in 2020, including US$60 billion in intra-Commonwealth trade, according to 2021 Commonwealth Trade Review on "Energising Commonwealth Trade in a Digital World: Paths to Recovery Post-COVID". Released today, the Commonwealth Trade Review provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of the impact of the pandemic on the...

Australia sends second medical team to Fiji amid growing diplomatic tensions

Australia is sending a second medical assistance team (AUSMAT) to assist Fiji’s worsening COVID-19 crisis, as diplomatic tensions in the region escalate. The rapid response has been welcomed in Fiji, with the Pacific nation recording 873 new COVID-19 cases in the Health Ministry's latest figures on Monday. Opposition MP Biman Prasad told SBS News the situation in the country is deteriorating. “There...

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