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New Zealand commits to climate financing

The New Zealand government has increased its climate finance to a billion dollars over the next four years, with the Pacific, including Fiji, receiving half of the funds. In an interview with FBC News, New Zealand Climate Change Ambassador, Kay Harrison said these funds will be used to assist Fiji and other Pacific countries mitigate the impacts of climate change,...

10 percent of Fiji’s debt owed to disasters: Economy Minister

Fijian Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says some ten percent of Fiji’s debt burden is owed to climate disasters alone. While speaking at the United Nations Economic and Social Council Forum, he said as the scale of these disasters increases, so must the country’s access to concessional finance. He said while the government had to borrow hundreds of millions, Fiji successfully...

FSM submits additional continental shelf claim in the North of Yap area

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)last Friday, filed with the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf a claim of an extended continental shelf covering a high-sea area of approximately 188,000 square kilometres (72,500 square miles) located in the North of Yap. This is in line with Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law...

China military expert says Scott Morrison’s red line is ‘ridiculous’

A former senior colonel in China’s People’s Liberation Army has laughed off suggestions that Beijing takes Australia’s concerns about its new pact with the Solomon Islands seriously. China and the Solomon Islands recently signed a security pact, and Australia and the US now fear Beijing will use the deal as an opportunity to expand its military presence in the Pacific. Prime...

New clues shed light on ‘pivotal’ moment in the great Pacific migration

The peopling of the Pacific is one of the most significant migrations in human history. And now an archaeological discovery on a small island in Papua New Guinea has recast the early scope of this settlement, in a finding archaeologists say could explain the migration east three millennia ago. The unearthing of animal bones and tools on Brooker Island, 200km...

French Polynesian mayors support safeguarding South Pacific Ocean and tradition

French Polynesian President Édouard Fritch recently committed to conserving 1 million square kilometers (386,000 square miles) of the ocean by creating a new large-scale marine protected area and establishing artisanal fishing zones around each of its 118 islands in the South Pacific Ocean. The waters surrounding the remote islands offer habitats to an abundance of marine life, including 21 species...

Labor pledges more foreign aid to Pacific with plan ‘to restore Australia’s place as first partner of choice’

Labor will vow to increase foreign aid to Pacific island countries and ramp up patrols to fight illegal fishing, as it makes an election pledge to “restore Australia’s place as first partner of choice for our Pacific family”. A boost to regional broadcasting is also part of the package, with Labor seeking to intensify political pressure on the prime minister,...

Japan sends senior official to Solomon Islands over China security pact

Japan dispatched a senior official to the Solomon Islands on Monday amid concern that a recently concluded security pact between the southwest Pacific nation and China will increase Beijing’s military influence in the region. During his trip through Wednesday, Parliamentary Vice Foreign Minister Kentaro Uesugi is scheduled to discuss the enhancement of bilateral ties and collaboration in the international arena...

Vanuatu PM call for Russia and Ukraine to return to negotiating table

Vanuatu Prime Minister Bob Loughman has called on the governments of Russia and Ukraine to return to the negotiation table, as a peaceful approach to ending their prolonged conflict. “This is in lieu of Vanuatu’s relationship with Russia and Ukraine, and its long-held foreign policy approach of ‘friend to all and enemy to none’,” the PM said in a statement. “It...

Fiji’s 2022 General Election campaigns start today

Fiji’s official 2022 General Elections campaign period starts today – 26 April, 2022. The Fijian Elections Office Monday launched the campaign guidelines detailing the do’s and don’ts that political parties have to adhere to while campaigning. According to the Electoral Act 2014, the campaign period must not be earlier than 30 days prior to the completion of the three years and...

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Australia in talks with Solomons to expand policing

Australia will help prop up the Solomon Islands police force after a request from its prime minister as the federal government works to increase...

French Ambassador responds to Vanuatu’s Kanak solidarity march petition

In response to the petition presented to the deputy French Ambassador during a solidarity march led by the Vanuatu President of the Malvatumauri Council...

Australia-Solomon Islands Leaders’ meeting

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia, welcomed Jeremiah Manele, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands to Canberra on 26 June 2024 on his first international...