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Climate change expert Ian Fry brings passion, experience to new post

Ian Fry, an expert on climate change and human rights, has witnessed first-hand the impact of climate change on people´s lives. He was in the tiny, low-lying islands of Tuvalu when Cyclone Pam hit the South Pacific in 2015. “It washed waves right across three islands, destroyed infrastructure, destroyed crops, freshwater, and people had to move off those islands to the...

Cook Islands tourism industry desperate for workers

The Cook Islands needs more direct flights to restart the tourism industry and hundreds more workers but New Zealand's travel requirements are slowing the process to bring in more workers. Although travel restrictions are loosening, Cook Islands tourism operators are struggling to find staff. On 01 May pre-departure testing for international arrivals will no longer be required. Also, direct flights from...

Pacific well poised for the return of tourism

The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) says Covid-19 has caused many Pacific region nations and territories to re-think their tourism strategies. The organisation, which has 20 government members, represents tourism in the Pacific region. Its member nations cover a large area of the Pacific region extending from Rapa Nui in the east to Timor Leste in the west, as well...

From China to climate and COVID: does Australia really care for the Pacific?

Opinion by Hamish McDonald In the debacle of Canberra’s handling of the security agreement with China just signed by Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, one revealing outcome has gone largely unnoticed. Bad enough that Australia’s intelligence community can’t tell us exactly when it knew about Sogavare’s plans. Or that United States President Joe Biden had to step in and...

ONOC set to hold its Annual General Assembly

The Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) are holding their XLII (42nd) Annual General Assembly (AGA) where it will host IOC President Thomas Bach in Nadi, Fiji, from 29 April to 04 May. It is being held in a blended in-person and online format after a year’s delay due to the postponement of the TOKYO 2020 Olympic Games because of the...

Commonwealth Games Australia CEO keen on permanent support for Pacific athletes

-Commonwealth Games Australia has partnered with the Australian Government to provide support for Pacific island athletes aiming to be part of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, but with only three months to go, exactly how will they be able to help? The aim is to support athletes and coaches from Commonwealth Pacific countries to achieve qualification, and in the case...

Otago Highlanders deny Fijian Drua win

The Highlanders have cruelly denied Fijian Drua a historic win in their first Super Rugby Pacific match played at home, with a full house at Suva's ANZ Stadium unable to lift their team to victory. The visitors rebounded from last week's Super Round loss to the Brumbies to clinch a thrilling 27-24 win on Saturday. The Highlanders didn't hit the front...

Fjiana 15s goes down to Japan

The Fijiana 15s went down to Japan 28-14 in their first international Test match at the Bond University Oval in Australia. Fijiana had 14 debutants in the match. They started well with two tries to Younis Bese and Roela Radiniyavuni for a 14-nil lead. Japan locked the scores at 14-all thanks to a driving maul and a grubber kick that set-up for...

Rebels hold on for victory over Moana

The Melbourne Rebels have made it a Super Saturday for Australian teams, backing up the NSW Waratahs' shock win with a 26-22 victory over Moana Pasifika. The Waratahs upset the Crusaders 24-21 in Sydney in the early game before the Rebels held on for their own Super Rugby Pacific win over the competition newcomers at AAMI Park. A try in the...

Pacific Parliamentarians Alliance on Deep Sea Mining calls for more commitments to safeguarding our ocean from deep sea mining

Pacific Parliamentarians Alliance on Deep Sea Mining (PPADSM) calls for more commitments to safeguarding our ocean from deep sea mining The Pacific Parliamentarians Alliance on Deep Sea Mining (PPADSM) has welcomed the commitments made at the 7th Our Ocean Conference in Palau towards protecting and restoring the health of our ocean. The 2022 Conference closed with 410 commitments worth $16.35 billion...

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Solomon Islands PM in Australia for bilateral talks, visit China to ‘reaffirm’ ties

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U.S offers direct assistance in war against drugs

The American Government is prepared to provide direct assistance to Fiji in combating the escalating cases of drug trafficking in the country. U.S deputy Secretary...