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Solomon Islands warned decision to ban foreign naval visits could have ‘repercussions’

Papua New Guinea's foreign minister has warned Solomon Islands its decision to halt foreign naval visits could have "repercussions". Appearing on ABC Radio on Wednesday, Justin Tkatchenko said he did not know much about the decision, and it was Solomon Islands' call to make. But he said the Pacific nation's government “needs to think about these decisions they're making now, and...

Vanuatu politicians in court Friday over dissolution push

Preparations are underway for a hearing in the Supreme Court of Vanuatu following an application against the dissolution of Vanuatu's parliament. It was submitted by 27 former opposition MPs who were signatories to a motion of no confidence in caretaker prime minister Bob Loughman last month. Assistant deputy private secretary to Vanuatu's head of state, lawyer Wilson Thomas will be in...

New Minister for Bougainville Affairs Mannaseh Makiba appointed

The Papua New Guinea Government will be looking at amending the law to include more ministerial positions, Prime Minister James Marape says. Marape made this statement after the swearing in of the new Minister for Bougainville Affairs Mannaseh Makiba and 12 vice-ministers which included Rai Coast MP Kessy Sawang, one of only two women in the 118-seat Parliament, at Government...

UK Home Office Permanent secretary visits Fiji to affirm UK – Fiji partnerships

UK Home Office Permanent secretary, Matthew Rycroft has met with Fijian government officials and partners during his visit to the Pacific nation. He met Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney General and Minister for Economy, Justice, Civil Service, Communications, Housing and Community Development; Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Defence, National Security, Policing, Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management and the Secretary General of...

Fisheries important to the recovery of Pacific economies say Ministers

Pacific Fisheries Ministers meeting last week in Kiribati identified maximising value from their fisheries as key to supporting the economic recovery from Covid-19. Ministers and officials were attending the annual 19th Forum Fisheries Committee Ministerial (FFCMin19) meeting and the Regional Fisheries Ministers Meeting (RFMM3). Incoming FFCMin19 and RFMM3 Chair, Kiribati Minister for Fisheries, Minister Ribanataake Tiwau shared his vision of continuing...

PGC Visit to Honiara, Solomon Islands – Venue for the 2023 Pacific Games

The Pacific Games Council (PGC) President, Vidhya Lakhan, and CEO Andrew Minogue have paid their first visit to Honiara since the Covid-19 pandemic to assess preparations for the 17th Pacific Games which will be held in the Solomon Islands from 19 November – 02 December 2023. During their visit, the PGC delegation held meetings with the following stakeholders: •The Prime Minister...

Solomon Islands Government push to extend Parliament influenced by foreign elements: Manuari

Solomon Islands Opposition MP Derrick Manuari says he believes that the government’s agenda to extend Parliament from four to five years is influenced by foreign elements. Speaking at the Opposition Group’s ‘INSIGHT’ programme recently, the Member of Parliament for West Makira said it is clear the current decisions and actions of the government are against the will of the people. He...

Law organisations are wrong: Fiji AG

Fiji's Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has condemned the Fiji Law Society and the Law Council of Australia for their analysis of the Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2022. Sayed-Khaiyum said the major objection by these two organisations is on Clause 3 of the Bill as the amendment to the Act will provide powers to the Supervisor of Elections necessary to carry out...

PNG investigation into Conflict Islands

The Conflict Group of Islands in Milne Bay province cannot be sold to foreign interests, Papua New Guinea Parliament was told Wednesday. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Lands John Rosso said the privately-owned controversial islands would instead be turned into an environmental marine conservation area. Irked by the potential sale of the islands for a substantial amount of money, Rosso...

Fiji 7s team to Rugby World Cup named

Fiji 7s Head Coach Ben Gollings has recalled Olympic gold medalist Sireli Maqala for the Rugby World Cup 7s in Cape Town, South Africa next weekend. Last week Gollings said Maqala and Aminiasi Tuimaba may be considered for the World Cup after their outings at the Commonwealth Games earlier this month. The duo were not part of the LA 7s squad...

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