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Samoa PM calls for more UN partners to endorse Vanuatu initiative

Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa has called on support from global partners to the Pacific to support the Forum Leaders endorsement of the Vanuatu initiative seeking an advisory opinion on the rights of present and future generations againt the adverse impact of climate change. The Vanuatu initiative has been fully endorsed by the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific...

Ukraine, climate emergency topical as Samoa welcomes Pacific SIDS to UNGA

Pacific leaders attending the 77th United Nations General Assembly for the first time since 2019 have met in a special event hosted by the Prime Minster of Samoa Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, as Chair of the Pacific Islands Developing States, PSIDS. In a speech at the PSIDS welcome reception, PM Mata'afa thanked Portugal for EUR50,000(US$49,000) to support the 2023 work programme...

South Korea plans to host inaugural summit with Pacific island nations next year

South Korea plans to host an inaugural summit with Pacific island nations next year as Seoul seeks to expand its diplomatic influence in the region, the prime minister's office said Tuesday. The plan was approved at a Cabinet meeting presided by Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, the office said. Holding summit talks with leaders of Pacific island nations is aimed at “promoting...

Pacific islands a key U.S military buffer to China’s ambitions

China sees the Pacific islands as an area of significant strategic interest and the US should strengthen its commitment to north Pacific island states to maintain a vital military buffer, a report by a U.S Congress-funded think tank says. China had made progress in the Pacific on geostrategic goals it has been unable to achieve elsewhere, said the report for...

U.S-Micronesia negotiations to provide measure of Pacific commitment

The outcome of U.S. funding negotiations with three remote Pacific nations will be an important signal of Washington’s commitment to the region as China presses its campaign for greater influence with Pacific Island states, a new report says. The Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Palau are independent countries that have ceded their defense and security to Washington in...

Samoa’s largest all-local fishing company working to reestablish exports post-COVID

-Apia Export Fish Packers, a Samoa-based tuna fishing company that employs only local residents, is working to get back in the export game post-COVID. Apia Export Fish Packers Co-Owner Steve Cleverly told SeafoodSource that part of that effort was rooted in attending Seafood Expo Asia - which ran from 14 - 16 September in the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition...

Delivering quality education in Small Island Developing States

By Simona Marinescu, Resident Coordinator of the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Tokelau With 147 million children around the world missing half of their in-person instruction over the last two years and around 24 million never returning to school, humanity is experiencing a deep learning crisis. There is no substitute for good education. As the challenges of our time continue...

MSG PM Cup Day two competition kicks off today

The Vanuatu National team will play its first match in the MSG Prime Minister's Cup tournament against the Vanuatu Development Team 3pm, this afternoon at the Korman soccer stadium. Both teams are drawn in pool A and both will work hard on making it into the second stage. This will be the team's first ever competition since the COVID-19 lockdown. Team...

Blinken to host ‘Blue Pacific’ event amid competition with China

U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken will host the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP) countries on Thursday with the aim of better coordinating assistance to the region in the face of competition from China, a White House official said. The group was formed in June and includes the United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. India...

Vulnerable countries demand global tax to pay for climate-led loss and damage

The world’s most vulnerable countries are preparing to take on the richest economies with a demand for urgent finance – potentially including new taxes on fossil fuels or flying – for the irrecoverable losses they are suffering from the climate crisis, leaked documents show. Extreme weather is already hitting many developing countries hard and forecast to wreak further catastrophe. Loss...

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