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Vanuatu makes historic call for treaty to end the fossil fuel era

Today, Vanuatu called on other nations to join them in establishing a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a proposed international mechanism that aims to explicitly address the source of 86% of CO2 emissions that cause climate change: fossil fuels. The President of Vanuatu Nikenike Vurobaravu made the historic call on the floor of the UN General Assembly, making Vanuatu the first...

Kiribati calls for an end to nuclear weapons at UN General Assembly

The president of Kiribati, Taneti Maamau, has called for an end to the use of nuclear weapons during his speech at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Maamau denounced the nuclear tests conducted on Christmas Island, which damaged the local ecosystem, and called on the UN to use the island as a global center for anti-nuclear research...

Bmobile provides MASI with $60k worth of Communication support to hosting Pacific Media Summit

The Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) received communication support from telecommunication provider, Bmobile to successfully host the Pacific Media Summit (PMS) which was scheduled to take place in Honiara from 26 -30 September 2022. Bmobile will be the official communication partner to the 6th Pacific Media Summit and will offer communication support for delegates and organising committee. The support includes...

As tiny Tuvalu sinks, PM fights to save the archipelago’s identity

The flag of Tuvalu contains nine yellow stars -- one for each of the islands that make up the tiny Pacific archipelago, home to some 11,000 people. Today, however, two of those atolls are on the verge of being swallowed by rising sea levels as a result of the global climate crisis that has already done irreversible harm and will...

Palau calls for greater U.S support as it renegotiates bilateral agreement

Pacific Island Palau, which is at the centre of the geostrategic struggle between the U,S and China, called on Wednesday for more US support in building infrastructure and the economy. Palau and two other Pacific island states, the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), are now renegotiating agreements with the United States in the 1980s that give...

NZ PM Jacinda Ardern surprises at Pacific Islands Forum launch where leaders warn emitters: ‘Save us and you save yourselves’

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made a surprise appearance at a Pacific Islands Forum event in New York, joining Pacific leaders as they warned wealthy countries they needed to cut their emissions: “save us and you save yourselves”, was the message from one. Pacific Islands Forum countries gathered at the Australian consulate for the global launch of the 2050...

Climate crisis is a health crisis – Fiji PM Bainimarama

-Climate crisis is fundamentally a health crisis. Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama made these bold remarks while delivering his statement at the Sustainable Surgical Systems and Planetary Health event at the Harvard Club in New York Thursday. He was addressing health sector stakeholders across the global surgery and planetary health communities who convened on the margins of the 77th Session of...

Fiji showcase climate financing innovation to drive forward sustainable blue economy ambitions

Fiji is calling on larger and wealthier ocean panel member countries to lead by driving investments in the global ocean economy through cutting edge partnerships; innovations in attracting private sector investments into the blue economy and supporting countries to overcome the constraints that they face. While speaking on behalf of the Prime Minister and Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum...

Forum Chair Frank Bainimarama statement at Global Launch of 2050 Pacific Strategy

Our thoughts this afternoon are with our island sisters and brothers in the Caribbean in the crosshairs of Hurricane Fiona. We know from experience the devastation you’re enduring, and we call on the world to rally to your aid. Thank you to Leaders, Partners, Observers, and Members who are here with us as we set course for the future of...

Drowning Island Nations: ‘This is how a Pacific Atoll dies’

Heads of state from Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands have launched a “Rising Nations Initiative” as they race toward solutions to a rising ocean level that will make their countries all but uninhabitable in the coming decades. By Pia Sarka While world leaders from wealthy countries acknowledge the “existential threat” of climate change, Tuvalu Prime Minister Kausea Natano is racing to...

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