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Samoa election 2021

By Nanai Anae Dr. Iati Iati STANDFIRST Can you remember the last time Samoa had a formidable political opposition? It has been a while, and...
Community awareness consultation on freedom of speech and opinion in Samoa

Community awareness and consultation on the Freedom of Speech and Opinion

The Office of the Ombudsman also the National Human Rights Institution of Samoa in collaboration with the Samoa Police and Prisons Service and the...

Mapping digital rights in MENA: towards a safer online environment

This statement was originally published on 7amleh.org on 10 March 2021. The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media in cooperation with Innovation for...

The journalists fighting election disinformation

This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 11 March 2021. By Rebecca Redelmeier/CPJ Audience Engagement Associate With multiple federal investigations underway into the January...

Pacific Way(s) and regionalism

by Tarcisius Kabutaulaka The tumultuous dispute over the selection of the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), which led to Micronesian countries deciding...

Oceania sport sector set to benefit from milestone ONOC-SPC partnership

A partnership agreement signed today between the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) and the Pacific Community (SPC) has set the stage for the Pacific’s...

The EU and the Pacific: global tax governance

Written by Sujiro Seam The European Union (EU) “tax list” is the primary instrument of a more ambitious agenda to promote the principles of tax...

New forest portal to shine a light on PNG’s logging industry

For more than twenty-five years, deep in the remote and inaccessible tropical forests of Papua New Guinea, a huge industrial complex has been operating;...

PNG Health facilities need staff as COVID-19 cases continue to rise

Health facilities in the capital city of Papua New Guinea are facing manpower crises as a direct consequence of the exponential increase in the...

Henry Puna turns focus to Forum

Former Cook Islands Prime Minister and Manihiki MP Henry Puna is looking forward to assuming the top Pacific Islands Forum role after the High...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

The eight Members of Vanuatu Parliament from Tafea Province have made a bold and powerful call to the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel...

Global survey reveals ‘truly astonishing’ consensus for stronger climate action

The overwhelming majority of people around the world want an end to geopolitical differences when it comes to fighting climate change, the results of...

Yap to begin canvassing votes for 31 May political status referendum

The Yap Election Commission in the Federated States of Mironesia (FSM) on Friday will begin tabulating the ballots cast during the 31 May referendum...