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COVID variants ‘winning the race against vaccines’ warns WHO chief

Variants like Delta are “currently winning the race against vaccines” said the World Health Organization (WHO) chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday, pinning the...

Fiji government ‘useless’ warns opposition, as NZ PM Ardern touts lockdown benefits

The Fiji government's response to the Covid-19 outbreak is an utter failure, but it's not too late to follow New Zealand's lockdown example, the...

PNG PM corrects misinformation on Independence agreement on Bougainville

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has called on the media to be sensitive while reporting on the matter of Bouganville's efforts for...

iTaukei ‘top deaths’ – Dr Wilson: 20 indigenous Fijians have died from delta variant

More than 70 per cent of COVID-19 deaths in Fiji have been recorded for iTaukei persons. This was highlighted by Fiji Institute of Pacific Health...

Australia denies using ‘plants’ to undermine China’s Covid vaccine rollout in Pacific

The Australian government has denied undermining China’s plan to roll out Covid vaccines to Pacific countries after Beijing lashed Canberra’s purported “callous” and “irresponsible...

‘I’m always afraid’: Fiji reels as it moves from Covid haven to frontline

For most of the pandemic, when Fijians tuned in each night to updates from the country’s health experts, they were greeted with the same...

No record of Delta variant in PNG, says Pandemic Response Deputy Controller

There is no recorded Covid-19 Delta variant in the country so far, although the risk of it entering is high, says Papua New Guinea...

Fijians urged to take action as COVID-19 claim more lives

Fijians need to help themselves if they want to see a way out of the current COVID-19 outbreak that has killed 31 people and...

Samoa State of Emergency extended to 01 August

Samoa continues to be under COVID-19 State of Emergency as the Orders have been extended for another month to 01 August 2021. The extension has...

Mortuary at Fiji’s largest hospital full as COVID-19 cases surge

The mortuary at Fiji’s largest hospital is now full, the country’s health ministry said on Monday, as the Pacific island nation logs record daily...

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New Pacific Islands Forum leader calls on island nations to strengthen bond

Taking the helm of the Pacific Islands Forum as its new secretary general, former Nauru President Baron Waqa has called on island nations to...

Stop ‘vandalising’ Earth and help the planet thrive, UN chief urges

As nearly 40 percent of land across the planet is degraded with more acres lost every second, governments, businesses and communities must galvanise action...

New Caledonia: FLNKS congress postponed due to differences

The national congress of New Caledonia's pro-independence platform, the FLNKS, was postponed at the weekend due to major differences between its hard-line component and...