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Fiji’s COVID-19 crisis: a closer look

Written by Sargam Goundar, Kim Andreas Kessler Fiji’s COVID-19 story started with the Fijian Government taking action in the form of travel restrictions to...

The European Union invests EUR 9 million in Climate information services in the Pacific

A five-year EUR 9 million(US$10.2 million) project aimed at strengthening the production, availability, delivery and application of science-based information, supporting decision-makers was today launched...

Flying Fijians to feature Vaccination message in historic test Against All Blacks

The Fiji Rugby Union and major Sponsors Fiji Airways have unveiled a ‘Flying Fijians’ special jersey with an important COVID-19 advisory for the historic...

Commercial export of kava begins 2022

By Nacanieli Tuilevuka Commercial export of kava begins 2022 Commercial export of kava from regional countries to Australia will begin early next year. Pacific Trade Invest...

Palau President Whipps urges bold action from world leaders to ensure survival from climate...

Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr called on world leaders to set aside differing political views and collaborate on a bold climate action. The president is...

No jab, no job – Fiji Government policy enforced through law

All employers and employees in Fiji's private sector and statutory bodies are to receive at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 01...

COVID death toll passes 4 million: Global Vaccine Plan essential, declares UN Chief Guterres

The global death toll due to COVID-19 officially passed four million late on Wednesday, marking yet another “grim milestone” and underlining the urgent need...

Fiji PM joins Pacific leaders and UK at high level climate dialogue

Pacific Island Leaders and the United Kingdom convened a High Level Climate Dialogue Thursday to discuss the priorities ahead of COP26 to be held...

Developing nations, UN seek clear plan for promised climate finance

Pressure is growing on rich countries to set out exactly how they will deliver a promised US$100 billion a year in funding to help...

Fiji: A stricter lockdown and more government support needed

by Sunil Kumar The daily rate of new COVID-19 infections in Fiji now exceeds 500 (as of 6 July 2021), much higher than India’s...

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New Pacific Islands Forum leader calls on island nations to strengthen bond

Taking the helm of the Pacific Islands Forum as its new secretary general, former Nauru President Baron Waqa has called on island nations to...

Stop ‘vandalising’ Earth and help the planet thrive, UN chief urges

As nearly 40 percent of land across the planet is degraded with more acres lost every second, governments, businesses and communities must galvanise action...

New Caledonia: FLNKS congress postponed due to differences

The national congress of New Caledonia's pro-independence platform, the FLNKS, was postponed at the weekend due to major differences between its hard-line component and...