Post-election government formation in Tonga stretches out

  It will now be the third week of December at the earliest before Tongans find out who their new leader will be. Voters went to...

Two more Samoa women MPs appointed make up six in the House

Two extra women parliamentarians have been appointed by the Samoa Head of State and now make up six women members of parliament following last...

Solomon Islands PM says he’s prepared to face motion, tells Wale to think first...

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has told Parliament Monday that he’s ready to face the motion of no confidence against him and calls...

Siaosi Sovaleni is top bet for Tonga PM

By Iliesa Tora in Nuku'alofa Tongatapu 3 representative and current Education Minister Siaosi Sovaleni or Hu’akavameiliku is the top bet to become the country’s next...

Fiji President Ratu Wiliame: Voters deserve better

Fiji’s next general election should not become a battle of dividers, of people who pit province against province, religion against religion, or ethnicity against...

FAST party secures Falealupo seat

Fuiono Tenina Crichton is the new Samoa Member of Parliament for Falealupo following the Supreme Court decision Monday to disqualify Tuitogamanaia Dr. Peniamina Leavai...

No women elected in Tonga: time to change the story

By ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki As in 2008, 2010 and 2014, none of the female candidates standing in Tonga’s 2021 general election were successful. Out of a total...

Fiji MPs cases adjourned to November, Parliament prorogued

Six current and one former Member of Parliament appeared in court today in relation to charges laid by the Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption. SODELPA...

Tongans urged to register and vote

By Iliesa Tora Tongans who are eligible to vote must register and vote at the 18 November General Elections in Tonga. Supervisor of Elections Pita...

PNG Opposition says polls deferral dangerous

Papua New Guinea Speaker of Parliament Jacob Pomat’s suggestion that the 2022 General Elections be deferred by one year is both dangerous and wrong...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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