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Vanuatu votes in historic referendum to tame political instability

Vanuatu was voting on Wednesday in its first referendum since independence, with citizens asked to decide on proposed constitutional amendments aimed at preventing party...

Error on notice of motion of No-Confidence against PM Marape: PNG Speaker of Parliament

The notice of motion of no-confidence in the Prime Minister filed by the Alternative Papua New Guinea Government and submitted to the Private Business...

No Vote of No Confidence today, new motion to be submitted to PNG Parliament

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape is cautiously confident he has the numbers to beat the Vote of No Confidence and remain in...

Samoa citizenship bill passes first NZ Parliament hurdle, helped by Act and NZ First

Act and New Zealand First have shocked Parliament last night by supporting a bill to select committee that would provide entitlement to New Zealand...

Niue Constitution amendment bills pass first reading

The 18th Niue Assembly voted in favour of the four Constitution Amendment Bills it the first reading of the Bills in last week sitting...

Nobles urge Tonga PM to resign as Minister of His Majesty’s Armed Forces

Tonga's nobles are collectively calling on the Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni to resign his defence portfolio as Minister of His Majesty's Armed Forces,...

Vanuatu MPs expects to receive up to VT1M for referendum ‘Yes’ campaign, based on...

Vanuatu Members of Parliament (MPs) are expected to receive financial support of up to VT1 million (US$ 8,343) each to strengthen and support the...

Feleti Teo elected unopposed as Tuvalu’s new Prime Minister

Feleti Teo secured the position of Tuvalu’ new Prime Minister without facing any opposition Monday. He was elected to the Parliament of Tuvalu after the...

PNG PM wins vote of confidence motion, Opposition MPs storm out

Papua New Guinea leader of Government Business and Minister for Finance Rainbo Paita has moved a motion of vote of confidence in Prime Minister...

Australian Defence chief unaware of commander’s Naliva torture allegation

Australia’s Defence Force chief was unaware a Fijian officer who became a deputy commander of 3000 troops was alleged to have committed torture. Colonel Penioni...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

The eight Members of Vanuatu Parliament from Tafea Province have made a bold and powerful call to the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel...

Global survey reveals ‘truly astonishing’ consensus for stronger climate action

The overwhelming majority of people around the world want an end to geopolitical differences when it comes to fighting climate change, the results of...

Yap to begin canvassing votes for 31 May political status referendum

The Yap Election Commission in the Federated States of Mironesia (FSM) on Friday will begin tabulating the ballots cast during the 31 May referendum...