Call for independence dividing Malaita: Maelanga

Solomon Islands Deputy Prime Minister and MP for East Malaita, Manasseh Maelanga says Malaita’s push for independence is dividing the province and its people. Maelanga...

The ‘gals’ behind Samoa’s first woman PM

By Megha Mohan and Yousef Eldin There are fewer women in politics in the Pacific Islands than in any other part of the world,...

Tonga prime ministerial race now down to two

A dramatic new development in the race for the prime ministership in Tonga. The incumbent, Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa, has pulled out and there are now two...

Three contenders for Tonga’s prime minister’s job

There are now three people shaping up to contest for the Tonga prime ministership. Tongans went to the polls last month and elected an all-male...

Recent events were an attempted coup: PM Sogavare

The motion of no confidence and calls for Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare to resign are made against the backdrop of an illegally...

Solomon Islands leader wins no-confidence vote after riots

The leader of the Solomon Islands survived a no-confidence vote in Parliament on Monday following riots in the capital last month. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare...

PM Sogavare defeats motion of no confidence

Members of  Solomon Islands Parliament have defeated the motion of no confidence in Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare tabled by the Opposition Leader...

PM Sogavare says he is a defender of democracy

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has acknowledged those in government that have remained firm despite pressure from rioters for them to resign in...

Motion in recognition of anger based on political and economic issues: Solomons Opposition leader...

Solomon Islands Opposition Leader says the motion of no confidence on the Prime Minister is in recognition of the anger on longstanding political issues. Speaking...

MP Kenilorea calls for calm ahead of no confidence motion

The Member of Parliament for East Areáre Constituency Peter Kenilorea Junior has urged all Solomon Islanders to allow MPs to undertake their duty in...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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Global survey reveals ‘truly astonishing’ consensus for stronger climate action

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Yap to begin canvassing votes for 31 May political status referendum

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