FSM tells U.S and China to calm down

Seeking to referee between the world's superpowers, the Federated States of Micronesia has called on the United States and China to tone down their...

FSM Government statement on U.S-China relations and the impact of high-level visit to Taiwan

Recently, the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) became aware of a high-level visit to Taiwan by the Speaker of the U.S...

Win for women, Peter unseats Agarobe in Central Regional race

If there is a glimmer of hope in Papua New Guinea’s violence strewn National General Elections, then it has to be the elevation of...

U.S President Joe Biden to host White House Pacific island summit

U.S President Joe Biden will host Pacific island leaders at the White House in September, a senior American diplomat said on Saturday, deepening a...

Pacific Islands solidarity is a Biden priority, U.S diplomat tells Solomons

U.S President Joe Biden sees strong ties with Pacific Island countries as a priority, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said in the Solomon...

PNG PM ‘can form a government’ as count goes on

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape said his party has the numbers to form a coalition government, after a national poll plagued by...

‘Super Browns’ side Cook Islands Party in coalition talks

The governing Cook Islands Party is all but confirmed to retain power after receiving support from the re-elected Independent Members of Parliament (MPs) from...

Wenge returns after ten years

Counting for the Morobe Regional Seat successfully continued into exclusion 35, to have a Governor elected as of quarter past four this morning. Despite minor...

84 seats declared so far

A total of 34 seats remain to be declared as of midday today. From the total 118 seats, 84 seats have been declared, but one...

New Caledonia referendum challenged in Euro court

The holding of New Caledonia's referendum on independence from France is being challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. Les Nouvelles Caledoniennes reports a...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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