Fiji’s new Police Commissioner Rusiate Tudravu has relayed to his senior officers his expectations for the force Monday.

Tudravu had a meeting with high-ranking officers before taking office at the police headquarters today.

He said his priority is to ensure the organisation is in order, as this plays a big role in how it will serve the people.

“I want a clean slate within this organisation; we start from within because I firmly believe that if everything is in order within, automatically our service outside will come.”

Tudravu said he demands that people in the force uphold the law.

“I want transparency. I want things to be done so that people cannot point at us as law enforcers when we are the ones breaking the law.”

Retiring Police Chief Juki Fong Chew has expressed confidence in the new commissioner, saying he is also happy the role is with one of their own.

“A police officer handing over to a police officer is an achievement in itself, so we are black and blue now.”

The new commissioner also states he will be following up with the government on the filling of vacancies and providing other facilities.