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Making a point: Rosy Akbar on sexism in Fijian parliament

By Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti On the eve of the first Pacific Women Leaders meeting, Fiji’s Minister for Women, Children, and Poverty Alleviation, Rosy Akbar has revealed how she deals with sexism in parliament. “I have always spoken out to my male MPs about sexist comments in our focus party discussion, personal space, and that it does not do them good to...

Micronesian members will stay in Pacific Islands Forum

By Samantha Magick “I think that big dark, dark cloud that has been hanging over the Pacific has evaporated from this meeting.” That was Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) President, David Panuelo’ s comments after Micronesian members of the Pacific Islands Forum agreed to remain in the important regional group after meeting in Suva Tuesday. “We’re happy that the family stays together”...

Fiji PM Bainimarama officiates at the opening of the Samoa High Commission in Fiji

Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama opened the new Samoan High Commission at Clarke Street in Suva Tuesday. “Your new High Commission shows how serious Samoa is about building its friendship with #Fiji and ramping up its regional engagement,” Prime Minister Bainimarama said. “Fiji is the Pacific hub of trade, travel, telecommunications, and finance, and our capital is the one-stop-shop for all...

‘We should focus less on what China is doing’: Australia’s new Pacific minister outlines plans

Australia's new Pacific Minister Pat Conroy said his government is keen to revamp its relationship with the Pacific, but not as a result of China's activity in the region. The new government has been criticised for a reactionary approach to Pacific foreign policy, with Minister Penny Wong visiting the region shortly after China's Foreign Minister began his tour of the...

Negotiations on tuna treaty underway

The formal negotiations on the tuna treaty are underway says U.S Deputy Assistant Secretary, East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau, Mark Lambert. The treaty is viewed as a model of international and fishery cooperation. Lambert who was on a two-day tour of Fiji, said the tuna treaty represents an ongoing agreement between the United States and Pacific island countries including Fiji. He...

PRNGO Alliance launched a Blue Economy Paper to mark the beginning of oceans week

A Framework on the Blue Economy, touted as a way forward, by the Pacific Regional Non- Governmental Organisations Alliance (PRNGO) was launched at the Nukubuco Sand Bank during a prayer Vigil to mark the beginning of the Oceans week. The Pacific Islands Association of NGOS (PIANGO), Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG), the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), World Wide Fund...

We’ll let the big boys play: Forum SG Puna

Pacific leaders are aware that the region is being used as a strategic space for power-plays by powerful countries like China, Australia and the United States. The narrative amongst global leaders is that the region has nothing to gain in the process however, Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown believes regional leaders know what’s going on and are in full...

PM Ardern denies NZ is asleep at wheel as China pushes into Pacific

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has denied New Zealand is asleep at the wheel as China continues its push into the Pacific. New Zealand has been a significant presence in the region for years and will continue to be one, the prime minister told Breakfast on Tuesday morning. Ardern said Australia, New Zealand and Japan had the biggest aid and development spend...

‘We can do better, we must’ declares departing UN climate change chief, as COP27 looms over horizon

The annual UN Climate Change Conference in the German city of Bonn began on Monday, designed to lay the groundwork for a successful COP27, due to take place in the Egyptian coastal resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh, in November. Governments are meeting for the first time since the conclusion of COP26 in Glasgow last November, which saw the operational details of the...

Pacific Island Forum’s leadership crisis comes into focus as leaders arrive in Fiji to resolve tensions

Several top Pacific Island leaders will today sit down for an extraordinary meeting that they hope will resolve the leadership crisis threatening to split the region's peak diplomatic body. The Australian government has played a crucial role in helping to facilitate the face-to-face gathering about the future of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), flying three Micronesian leaders to Suva for...

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