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PNA:17th Annual PNA Ministerial Meeting 2022 Communique

-Ministers from Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, and Solomon Islands met via Zoom from 15-17 June 2022 for their 17th Annual Meeting, to consider a range of priority issues related to the sustainable management and development of PNA fisheries. Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, and Tokelau were represented by senior Officials. The meeting was chaired by...

Commonwealth leaders line up to support action on ‘living lands’

Leaders and senior officials from across the Commonwealth have voiced their robust support for a non-binding charter on climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, that would boost coordinated action in these areas among the 54 countries of the Commonwealth. The document, known as the ‘Living Lands Charter’, is slated for discussion and possible adoption at this week’s Commonwealth Heads of...

Ministers call for greater international action to strengthen the resilience of Small States

Wednesday on the margins of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali, leaders and ministers met for high-level discussions on how to best strengthen support for the Commonwealth’s 32 Small States. Ministers stressed the need to forge partnerships to mobilise global efforts on the issues affecting small states, such as the persistent environmental, health and economic shocks heightened...

U.S. lawmakers push for Asia-Pacific engagement with flurry of bills

U.S lawmakers connected some sides of the aisle are coming retired with an array of bills and resolutions aimed astatine expanding the Biden administration's engagement successful Asia, including strengthening ties with Pacific nations and expanding enactment for Taiwan. Democratic Rep. Ami Bera, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee connected Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, and Rep. Steve...

Politics blocking U.S influence on ocean laws, warns military

American and Australian national security is at risk because U.S Congress has blocked the Biden administration from signing up to a convention on the world’s oceans that covers seabed mining, say experts including a US commander and Department of State official. Political gridlock had left the U.S unable to join the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea, implemented...

World Environment Court proposed at meeting of Commonwealth civil society experts ahead of COP27

Climate negotiators, small island decision makers and Rwanda's Justice Minister came together Tuesday at the Commonwealth People's Forum to discuss how the coalition of 54 Commonwealth member states can advance climate justice. It's the first time civil society in the Commonwealth has convened in four years at this scale, owing to the pandemic, with the discussion spanning how civil society...

$10 million extra funding for Commonwealth Small Island Developing States

Commonwealth Secretariat secures US$10 million in extra funding for Small Island Developing States as Cambridge Collaboration pays dividends. The Commonwealth Secretariat’s ground-breaking collaboration with Cambridge University has unlocked more than US$10 million of private financing for Small Island Developing States, despite the project only being halfway through its research phase. Sixty percent of the Commonwealth’s 2.5 billion population is under the...

Plane inspections carried out remotely:Pacific Aviation Safety Office

-Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) is carrying out inspections and audits of aeroplanes remotely. Pacific Aviation Safety Office legal adviser Sam Jennings said audit and inspection activity are being carried out on zoom, telephone and email. Jennings said the Pacific Aviation Safety Office has been using civil aviation authorities within countries to sort of be the arms and legs of the...

EU blocks bespoke fund for climate victims as rich nations moot alternatives

By Joe Lo and Chloé Farand The EU has blocked developing countries’ call for a facility to distribute money to victims of climate disasters, despite finally recognising the need for this money to flow. European and other rich nation negotiators believe they have shifted dramatically in recognising the need for funding in addition to that for carbon-cutting and adaptation efforts. One...

FRU names Fijian and Fijiana 7s squads for Oceania Rugby Super Sevens

Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) has announced its Fijian and Fijiana 7s traveling squads for the Oceania Rugby Super Sevens in Auckland, New Zealand this weekend. FRU will field two women’s and a men’s team in the tournament which also consists of three teams from New Zealand {All Blacks 7s, Black Ferns Ma and Black Ferns Pango}, two Australian and Papua...

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