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Cruise ships allowed back into Fiji after two-years

Fiji has re-opened its international border to cruise ships with additional measures to reduce risks following a ban of over two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All travelers aged 16 years and above, both cruise passengers and crew members, are required to be fully vaccinated with a Fiji-recognised COVID-19 vaccine and a rapid antigen test taken within 24 hours...

Toa Samoa squad named for upcoming Pacific Test against Cook Islands

Penrith stars Izack Tago, Taylan May, Charlie Staines and Spencer Leniu feature in a strong and exciting Toa Samoa squad named for the upcoming Pacific Test against Cook Islands at Campbelltown Sports Stadium. Samoa coach Matt Parish has chosen a 20-man squad for the June 25 Test but decided not to include any of the Pacific nation’s eligible players who...

Rugby Australia tells New Zealand it will walk in bombshell move to tear Super Rugby apart

-In a bombshell moment for the game, Rugby Australia has told its long-time ally New Zealand Rugby they are strongly considering leaving Super Rugby once and for all. What’s more, RA is considering a domestic-only competition to replicate the AFL and NRL. RA Chairman Hamish McLennan informed his NZR counterpart Stewart Mitchell over dinner they were strongly considering calling it a...

Australia updates UN climate submission

- Australia has submitted more ambitious climate targets to the United Nations, with the government declaring the country had turned a corner on the issue. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese signed an updated version of the country's nationally determined contribution to the UN's framework convention on climate change on Thursday morning. The signing took place in Canberra alongside Climate Change Minister Chris...

U.S. Secretary of State commends FSM President Panuelo for his strong leadership in the region

Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) President David Panuelo has spoken with Anthony Blinken, U.S Secretary of State by phone and discussed a number of issues including the next convening of the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders to the 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. President Panuelo assured the U.S top diplomat that his nation will not take...

Pre-departure tests into NZ gone on Monday

As of next Tuesday, people travelling to New Zealand will no longer need a negative pre-departure test. Covid-19 Response Minister Ayesha Verrall said the Government had "taken a careful and staged approach to reopening our borders to ensure we aren't overwhelmed with an influx of Covid-19 cases. Our strategy has worked and as a result it's safe to lift pre-departure...

Additional $20 million for disaster recovery and economic reform in Tonga

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved US$20 million (approximately TOP46 million) of Supplemental Financing in addition to the US$19 million committed and disbursed this financial year through the Tonga Second Resilience Development Policy Operation (DPO) with a Catastrophe-Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat-DDO). This funding will bolster support for the country’s ongoing recovery efforts from the cumulative impacts of...

Vision Pasifika Media Awards shining spotlight on Pacific resilience in face of climate crisis

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), in partnership with Aotearoa New Zealand and key regional media partners — the Pacific Islands News Association (PINA), Internews Earth Journalism Network, and the Pacific Environment Journalists Network (PEJN) — are shining a spotlight on stories of Pacific resilience in the face of the escalating climate crisis, with the announcement...

Vanua’aku Pati against proposed review to Vanuatu Chief Justice’s tenure

Vanua’aku Pati (VP) has taken its stand not to support the recommendation to review the tenure of the Vanuatu Chief Justice (CJ) tenure to a five-year term. This change is among a list of proposed amendments under the Bill for the Constitution (Eighth) Amendment that is expected to be presented before the Parliament Special sitting Friday. The spokesperson for VP executive,...

Pacific security should be a matter for ‘Pacific family’ – Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong

Australia should be more engaged in the Pacific, something the previous government failed to do sufficiently, says Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong. Wong was in Wellington today to meet with her New Zealand counterpart, Nanaia Mahuta. In late April, Wong criticised the Coalition for failing to intervene to stop the Solomon Islands - China deal, saying it was the “worst foreign...

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