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Kiribati Government condemns Court of Appeal’s action

The Kiribati Government has expressed its gravest concerns by the action of the Court of Appeal and those who continue to aid and abet David Lambourne in his unconstitutional attempt to seek a life-time appointment. It is also unbecoming for members of the noble judiciary to continue with the action to purposefully create a life-time appointment within the Judiciary, when...

Australia aged care sector welcomes Pacific workers but needs 35,000 more each year to address shortages

Australia is pinning its hopes on Pacific workers to help fill shortages across the economy — particularly in aged care — but industry says a history of poor conditions and sheer numbers mean that's unlikely to make a significant dent in demand. The federal government has expanded the Pacific Australian Labour Mobility Scheme (PALM) to include aged care, hospitality and...

I am neutral: Vanuatu Speaker Seoule

Vanuatu Speaker of Parliament, MP Simeon Seoule has stressed his status is neutral. He made this statement following a call made by the government side for him to resign. The Speaker's status was questioned after his involvement in a reconciliation ceremony made recently between him and another MP in the Opposition Camp. MP Seoule conceded he was part of a reconciliation ceremony,...

PM Marape says government and Pangu Pati appreciates role of a free media

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister and Pangu Pati leader James Marape says the Government and Pangu appreciates the role of a free media. He, however, cautioned the media to stay away from political and personal preferences. PM Marape said it was quite evident during the 2022 General Election that certain media houses were taking side with politicians, and political parties, and...

Solomon Islands accessing Green Climate fund

Solomon Islands is one of the countries in the Pacific that has accessed the green climate fund. Exsley Taloiburi Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Programme Adviser Climate Finance and Resilience Team Leader says the Green Climate Fund works through accredited implementing entities. He said there is potential for the Pacific Resilience Facility to consider serving as a regional conduit in the medium...

Kiwi startup detects up to 100 ‘dark vessels’ during Pacific fishery surveillance

Kiwi startup Xerra has detected up to 100 possible “dark vessels” during an exercise to crack down on illegal fisheries around Tuvalu. Xerra senior scientist Moritz Lehmann said the rate of detection was higher than expected, and the findings could indicate illegal fishing was a bigger problem than currently thought in the waters around the small Pacific nation. “We did not...

How ADB is Spearheading Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific

By Warren Evans, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Climate Envoy In April 2020, Tropical Cyclone Harold hit the Pacific, unleashing torrential rains and floods which severely affected infrastructure, vital services, and livelihoods just as the region was starting to deal with the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. This, sadly, is the state of play for the Pacific, one...

U.S tests ICBM over Pacific after delays linked to Russia, China tensions

The United States successfully tested a long-range, nuclear-capable ballistic missile Tuesday after twice postponing the launch to avoid stoking tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan, the U.S Air Force announced. The Air Force Global Strike Command launched the unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile over the Pacific from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California just after midnight local time. The missile carried...

Fiji reaffirms commitment to One-China policy

Fiji's Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama on Monday reaffirmed the country's commitment to the One-China policy and stressed the importance of strong China-Fiji ties in an interview with New Zealand-based Radio Tarana. “I want that to be made clear to everyone, we recognise the One-China policy. And I also want to say that China is an important development partner for Fiji...

Monkeypox cases top 35,000: WHO

Monkeypox infections continue to rise globally, with more than 35,000 cases across 92 countries and territories, and 12 deaths, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported on Wednesday. “Almost 7,500 cases were reported last week, a 20 per cent increase over the previous week, which was also 20 per cent more than the week before,” said WHO Director...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...