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Mahuta outlines how $1.3b will be spent on climate action

A new strategy to drive New Zealand’s investment in climate action in the Pacific and globally has outlined how the record $1.3 billion (US$803 million) commitment for mitigation and adaptation will be spent. Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced the International Climate Finance Strategy, Tuia te Waka a Kiwa, which sets out the Government’s approach to deliver a scaled-up climate...

PM Marape to announce full cabinet Tuesday

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says an MP does not have to be a minister to change Papua New Guinea for the better. He said this is a message to all Government MPs as he prepares to announce his full Cabinet on Tuesday (23 August) and as a week-long Parliament induction for new MPs starts Monday (22 August). PM...

Former Vanuatu Opposition leader Regenvanu says they will lodge case this week

Former Vanuatu Opposition Leader, Ralph Regenvanu, has confirmed he and the other former Members of Parliament (MPs) who signed a Motion against the Prime Minister Bob Loughman, will be lodging their case to determine the legality of the dissolution of Parliament on Monday this week. “Just hours before we were supposed to go back to Parliament where the quorum would...

Tonga’s Atata Island refugees struggle in wake of tsunami

For Tongan sisters Akosita Kristen Urwin and Suliana Fusikata stepping foot on their beloved Atata Island is bittersweet. On one hand, they are desperate to reconnect with their land but on the other, they know all they will find is destruction from January’s tsunami. Kristen, who lives in New Zealand, looks stony-faced at the damage to the resort that employed many...

Study of Kiribati economy finds it is over-reliant on tuna fishery

Kiribati is over-reliant on income from access payments by distant water fishing fleets, according to a newly published study. An examination of climate change vulnerability of the island found that the country has become over-reliant on revenue from offshore foreign-flagged purse seine tuna fishing vessels. The country earns around 80 percent of its revenue from fees charged to tuna companies...

From Suva runways to the pages of Vogue: the rising star of Fiji’s fledgling fashion scene

By Rajan Sami in Suva The hopes of Fiji’s fledgling fashion industry sit on the slim shoulders of a 25-year-old from Muaninuku Village named Laisiasa Raibevu Davetawalu. The young designer has done what so many in the Pacific country have dreamed of but not had the opportunity to do. Sponsored by the entire Fiji fashion community, which recognised his promise and...

Who’s responsible when you’re blown up by a World War Two bomb today?

By Stefan Armbruster Imagine living in a city that is still littered with bombs from about 80 years ago – and then one exploding. Maerverlyn survived, but her friends didn't. The scars of war cover Maeverlyn Pitanoe’s body. The 50-year-old mother-of-two was blown up while at a Mother’s Day fundraising barbecue in Solomon Islands last year by an unexploded World...

French Polynesia President Fritch affirms commitment to Paris 2024 Torch Relay during Estanguet visit

French Polynesia President Édouard Fritch has signed a principle agreement for the territory, which includes the planned Paris 2024 surfing venue host Teahupo’o on the island of Tahiti, to feature in the Olympic Games Torch Relay. The Organising Committee has recently played down concerns over the development of the Athletes' Village in Teahupo’o, and Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet made...

Australia to target PNG and Vanuatu with cricket diplomacy

The Australian government and the country's cricket federation will help develop the sport of cricket in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu as part of a renewed soft power push in the Pacific region. The initiative will offer coaching and training support to the elite teams of both countries, and will allow them to compete in Australian cricket competitions. An Indigenous...

Solomon Islands Government to invest $367 million in new mobile network around the country

The Solomon Islands Government is investing about US$66 million (about SBD367 million) in improving telephone network nationwide over the next two years, largely to ensure people in the rural areas have access to watching the 2023 Pacific Games. A government committee has been assessing sites to be included in the project for towers to be built. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...