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US$1.08m for Pacific in China-Pacific Islands Forum annual development cooperation

The Government of the People’s Republic of China today provided an annual funding contribution of US$1.08 million to the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat under the China – Pacific Islands Forum Cooperation Fund. In a handover ceremony, the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna, welcomed the funding contribution from Qian Bo, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China...

Kiribati fisheries minister takes chairmanship of FFC

Kiribati Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Development, Ribanataake Tiwau, has been appointed Chair of the Forum Fisheries Agency’s Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) at the Committee’s 19th meeting in Tarawa this year. At the official opening of the meeting on Tuesday at the new Kiritimati Island Fish Limited office in Ambo, Tiwau used his own version of the famous ‘I...

MP: No need for public consultation over Bougainville

The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has rejected a statement by Prime Minister James Marape that a nationwide consultation be held on Bougainville’s 2019 Referendum for Independence outcome. Attorney-General and Minister for Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation Ezekiel Masatt Wednesday reminded Marape that the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) was signed to end the Bougainville civil war – dubbed the bloodiest conflict...

It is NCDs – Seruiratu – ‘Deadliest crisis in the Pacific region isn’t criminal activities’

The deadliest crisis in the Pacific region isn’t criminal activities such as drug and human trafficking but non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which also pose a threat to a police force’s ability to carry out its roles. While opening the 49th Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) meeting in Nadi Wednesday, Fijian Defence, National Security and Policing Minister Inia Seruiratu said NCDs...

Vanuatu Chief justice orders amendment of constitutional application against dissolution of parliament

The chief justice of Vanuatu has ordered the amendment of a constitutional application against the dissolution of Vanuatu's parliament to exclude the president of the republic from the case. The application, which was heard in the Supreme Court in Port Vila, was brought by 27 opposition MPs who were signatories to a motion of no confidence in the prime minister...

Australian PM Albanese defends record in Pacific amid concerns of Chinese influence

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has downplayed concerns his government is not active in the Pacific amid concerns China could purchase privately-owned islands off the coast of Australia. Retired entrepreneur Ian Gowrie-Smith is selling the Conflict Islands, situated in Papua New Guinea, and proposed an offer to the federal government to make a purchase. Gowrie-Smith has written to Foreign Minister Penny...

U.S Senator Blackburn pays courtesy visit to Solomon Islands PM Sogavare

A delegation from the United States Government led by Senator Marsha Blackburn made a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in Honiara Wednesday. The purpose of Senator Blackburn’s visit is to provide a member of the U.S Senate Armed Services Committee the opportunity to engage senior leaders from Solomon Islands and to facilitate high-level military and foreign policy discussions...

PAFCO suffered $2m loss in 2018, Manpower will be an issue

The Pacific Fishing Company suffered a net loss after tax of over $2million (US$1 million) according to its 2018 Annual Report. While making their submission to the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, Chief Executive Saiyad Raiyum says the loss was after the cold storage was written off. Raiyum said the pre-write-off loss stands at a little over $205,000 (US$102,000). “The new cold...

Australia and the Pacific: now for the hard part

By James Batley Australia’s new government has made a strong start in the Pacific islands since its election in May. Early visits by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to the Pacific Islands Forum, and bilateral visits by Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy, have laid the foundation for strong personal connections over...

ONOC President Dr Mitchell to be elected ANOC -president in October

At the 26th edition of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) General Assembly, Fijian official and Oceania National Olympic Committees(ONOC) President Dr Robin Mitchell is set to be elected the ANOC President. He is the sole candidate nominated for election and has been serving as Acting President since 2018 after Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah was charged with forgery in...

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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

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Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

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Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

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