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COVID-19 made deep-sea mining more tempting for some Pacific islands – this could be...

by Sue Farran While most Pacific islands have escaped the worst of COVID-19, a cornerstone of their economies, tourism, has taken a big hit....

United Nations set to decide climate claims by Torres Strait Islanders against Australia

As world leaders met in south-west England to discuss future climate change commitments, priest Stanley Marama didn’t need any reminding about the reality of...

Kaiviti Silktails and Wolves battle it out in hard fought 24- all draw

The Kaiviti Silktails and the Windsor Wolves could not be separated in a nail-biting 24-all draw at Mascot Oval that featured on NSWRL TV. The...

NZ 13 tonnes of shark fins exported overseas each year

New Zealand is exporting 13 tonnes of shark fins each year despite the practice being banned in the country's waters since 2014. New figures obtained...

200 infections mark critical point for Fiji’s Ministry of Health: Dr Fong

Fiji's Ministry of Health is working on greater contingency measures after the COVID-19 cases soared to 105 Sunday. This is Fiji's biggest daily toll since...

Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders Issues Summit Communiqué

Leaders identify pandemic recovery, climate change, sustainable development as top priorities The leaders of 11 nations and territories across the Pacific have issued a group...

Guterres: Vaccines should be considered ‘global public goods’

Lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines should be considered “global public goods”, the UN chief told journalists on Friday, covering the G7 Summit of leading industrialised nations...

Report highlights Covid impact on region

The most pressing disaster facing the Pacific right now continues to be the COVID-19 pandemic. And every place is different. After closing its borders and aggressively...

PNG PM Marape: Get vaccinated

With more than 100,000 doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine remaining and the expiry date looming, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape is...

Samoa caretaker PM unaware of FAST take over plans

Samoa caretaker Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi says he was not aware the Fa’atuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (FAST) was planning a...

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AUD$14.7m grant to boost Pacific trade

The Pacific Islands Forum, through its Geneva Office, proudly announces the signing of a transformative AUD$14.7 million(US$9.67 million) grant agreement with the Australian Department...

New Caledonia: France’s way or the Pacific way?

By Denise Fisher France’s action in transporting eight indigenous New Caledonian detainees to metropolitan France can only fan the flames of ethnic and political difference...

All Blacks squad: Hoskins Sotutu urged to play for Fiji after selection snub

Fresh from missing selection in Scott Robertson’s first All Blacks squad, Hoskins Sotutu is being urged to switch his international allegiance to Fiji. Despite a...