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Civil unrest and political instability threaten Fiji as COVID-19 outbreak takes hold

As Fiji's COVID-19 outbreak continues to devastate the country's economy, there are mounting fears the crisis could spark social unrest in the small Pacific...

Disruptions to global shipping: regional impacts

Written by Rachel Richardson, Rob Hitchins Global attention focused on shipping in March, as container ship Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal, disrupting movements...

Another death reported, Fiji records 126 new cases of COVID-19

Fiji has recorded another three-digit figure of positive COVID-19 cases – a total of 126 and a death of a man Monday. Health Ministry permanent...

Monday 21 June 2021 PACNEWS First Edition

- FIJI: ‘No jab against will’ : Fiji Employers can make vaccination mandatory for certain work – Apted
- FIJI: COVID-19 claims another life; 115 new cases reported in Fiji
- VAN: Controversial legal case in Vanuatu nearly complete
- PNG: PNG cabinet told $1.2b UBS loan was illegal
- CKI: Selling Cook Islands to Kiwis
- FIJI: Fijian Media Association agrees way forward
- B/VILLE: Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds

PNG 2022 election plans revealed

It's confirmed – the writs for Papua New Guinea 2022 general election will be issued on 24 April, to set the ball rolling for...

Vaccination:the ticket to an economic recovery

So far, with the help of development partners, in particular Australia and New Zealand, the vaccine rollout in the Pacific islands has exceeded expectations. Fiji...

Vanuatu Supreme Court confirms 19 Govt MPs lose seats

Vanuatu's Supreme Court has upheld a decision by the former Speaker of Parliament to expel 19 government MPs from Parliament. The court ruling looks set...

Another death reported; Fiji records 166 new cases of COVID-19

An even higher number of positive COVID-19 cases – a total of 166, and a death have been recorded by Fiji’s Ministry of Health...

Tonga names 15 new caps to face All Blacks, Samoa

Fifteen new caps have been included in the Tonga rugby squad to face the All Blacks and Manu Samoa in New Zealand next month. The...

Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds

Setting goals for independence by 2025, UN membership and a sustainable economy signal Bougainville’s resolve By Anthony Regan The second constitutionally mandated post-referendum consultations between Papua...

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Australia in talks with Solomons to expand policing

Australia will help prop up the Solomon Islands police force after a request from its prime minister as the federal government works to increase...

French Ambassador responds to Vanuatu’s Kanak solidarity march petition

In response to the petition presented to the deputy French Ambassador during a solidarity march led by the Vanuatu President of the Malvatumauri Council...

Australia-Solomon Islands Leaders’ meeting

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia, welcomed Jeremiah Manele, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands to Canberra on 26 June 2024 on his first international...