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PNG and Fiji were both facing COVID catastrophes. Why has one vaccine rollout surged...

By Ian Kemish Things were looking very bad three months ago for both Papua New Guinea and Fiji. The two Pacific countries were each...

Solomon Islands ready to graduate from LDC by 2024

The Solomon Islands is in its transition phase of graduating from the Least Developing Countries (LDC) category and is scheduled to graduate by 2024. That’s...

Landmark for weightlifting as Oceania athletes compete in virtual Championships

Weightlifters from Oceania have won titles and set records at their senior Championships, despite the fact that the competition was organised online. It is the...

Pacific surpasses global average for women’s representation in business leadership – PSDI

Gaining access to leadership positions can be challenging for women, but there are increasing opportunities for women to lead in business in the Pacific,...

Fijian Drua target finals place in first season despite challenging start

The interim chief executive of the Fijian Drua, one of two Super Rugby Pacific new entrants for 2022, says the depth on the islands...

Commonwealth to champion climate-vulnerable small states at COP26

The Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland called for urgent action to ensure improved climate resilience of small states and promised to amplify the concerns of...

Pacific wants urgent, ambitious action on climate from governments, global community -Forum SG Henry...

Warm greetings from the Blue Pacific region, and thank you for this opportunity to share with you what the Pacific Islands Forum is doing...

Pacific at peril under current climate policies, new commitments still inadequate: report

Current climate policies mean the world is on course for up to 3.9 degrees of heating, which would see a number of Pacific Island...

World’s best female weightlifters at the Tokyo Olympics inspire Nancy Abouke of Nauru

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Tokyo At only 18 years of age, Nancy Abouke of Nauru is now ranked 10th in the women’s 76kg...

Safeguarding Melanesian fishing communities against climate threats

Those who live on the islands and atolls of the southwestern Pacific Ocean are exposed to rising seas and severe storms like almost no...

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New Pacific Islands Forum leader calls on island nations to strengthen bond

Taking the helm of the Pacific Islands Forum as its new secretary general, former Nauru President Baron Waqa has called on island nations to...

Stop ‘vandalising’ Earth and help the planet thrive, UN chief urges

As nearly 40 percent of land across the planet is degraded with more acres lost every second, governments, businesses and communities must galvanise action...

New Caledonia: FLNKS congress postponed due to differences

The national congress of New Caledonia's pro-independence platform, the FLNKS, was postponed at the weekend due to major differences between its hard-line component and...