No promise made to Bougainville: PM Marape

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says the Government has not made any commitment to the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) that independence will...

HRPP want their MPs to be sworn in by Samoa Head of State

The Human Rights Protection Party leader and former Samoa Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has written to the Speaker asking that they wish to...

Samoa Parliament to meet on 14 September: PM Fiame Mata’afa

The XVII Legislative Assembly will convene in two weeks time on 14 September 2021, says Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa. Speaking to the media...

Convene Samoa Parliament: Forum Secretary-General

The Pacific Islands Forum on Saturday reminded Samoa’s caretaker Government of the Biketawa Declaration, which amongst other guiding principles promotes the peaceful transfer of...

Samoan Head of State’s proclamation wrong, expert says

A legal expert has added his voice to those who say Samoa's Courts have the final say on constitutional issues, not the Head of...

FAST swearing-in unlawful but Parliament must sit: Supreme court

The Samoa Supreme Court has declared the swearing in of the Faatuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi (FAST) party on the lawns outside Parliament...

Former Vanuatu Speaker explains resignation

Former Vanuatu Speaker of Parliament, Gracia Shadrack has issued a statement explaining the reasons for his resignation. “There has been unrelenting challenge by the Government...

Amid dispute with government, Vanuatu speaker resigns

The Speaker of Parliament of Vanuatu Gracia Shadrack has resigned today amid a dispute with the government of the prime minister Bob Loughman. Last week,...

Israel swears in new coalition, ending Netanyahu’s long rule

Israel’s parliament on Sunday narrowly approved a new coalition government, ending the historic 12-year rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and sending the polarising...

Vanuatu Speaker’s lawyer files application to strike out order

Vanuatu Speaker of Parliament’s counsel has filed an application for the Court to struck out the application by the 19 Members of Parliament in...

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Fiji MPs salary increase to cost $4.1m

The increase in salaries for Fiji Members of Parliament will cost $4.1 million (US$2.05 million). This has been confirmed by the Minister for Finance, Professor...

Navigating AI in the Pacific: Opportunities, Challenges, and Sustainable Practices from Regional Security Conference

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