Fiji kingmaker party divided on coalition choices

The kingmaker in Fiji's general election, the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA, is split over who it should align with to form a new...

Six women elected into Fiji Parliament

Six women have been elected into Fijian Parliament for the next four years. Four Members of Parliament have served before while two will be entering...

SODELPA to decide Wednesday who it will support to form the new government in...

The people of Fiji wait with bated breath to see which way the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) will move – to form the...

Forum SG congratulates Fijians for exercising their democratic right

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Henry Puna has congratulated the Fijian people for exercising their democratic right through 14 December General Election. “I have...

Fiji election’s kingmaker party favours Australia, New Zealand as allies over China

The leader of the kingmaker party in Fiji’s election says he doesn’t support forming a security relationship with China, preferring foreign relations to be...

14 days wait for next government

The Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) is in no rush to choose the next government as it is being courted by the ruling Fiji...

Fiji to get a coalition government, Members of Parliament named

Four political parties will represent the Fijian voters in Parliament for the next four years after the counting of votes was completed Sunday afternoon. No...

Fiji’s military will respect electoral process – Kalouniwai

The Fiji military commander has rejected a request by opposition party leaders to intervene in a dispute over the country's election process. Speaking to RNZ...

Peoples Alliance maintain leads

People's Alliance Party still leading vote count with 21,810 a total of 43.41 percent from the 470 polling station counted out of 2,071 as...

Votes from Fiji police and military officers split between Rabuka and Bainimarama

Early final results indicate that People’s Alliance Leader Sitiveni Rabuka is gaining a lot of votes from polling stations where police officers cast their...

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