Fiji deputy Supervisor of Elections appointed

The Fijian Elections Office has appointed Craig Rickards as Deputy Supervisor for the 2022 General Election. While announcing the appointment, Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem...

Macron wins re-election, but most New Caledonian voters stay home

By Nic Maclellan President Emmanuel Macron has won re-election in the second round of the French Presidential poll, held on Sunday. Macron is the...

PNG Parliament dissolves

Papua New Guinea's 10th Parliament of 2017-2022 reached the end of road Friday with Members of Parliament now heading into campaign mode to seek...

José Ramos-Horta wins in landslide Timor-Leste presidential election

The Nobel prize winner José Ramos-Horta has scored a landslide victory in Timor-Leste’s presidential election, according to preliminary results published by the election secretariat. The...

No caretaker government in PNG: Barker

There is no provision in law or in the Constitution for a caretaker government to be formed after Parliament is dissolved for a general...

Sinai: PNG Common roll ready next month

Papua New Guinea Electoral commissioner Simon Sinai says the data for the common roll is being processed and will be available next month. “Polling will...

East Timor heads to polls to pick next president

East Timor's citizens head to the polls on Tuesday to choose either a Nobel laureate or a former guerrilla fighter - the incumbent president...

Australian PM Morrison will ‘continue to press’ Solomon Islands over China influence

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he will continue to press the Solomon Islands amid its security pact with China if the Coalition is...

Macron in the lead, as French Presidential contest impacts Pacific

By Nic Maclellan Seeking re-election as French President, Emmanuel Macron topped the poll amongst 12 candidates in the first round of voting for leadership...

Fiji’s long trek to democracy and the quiet heroism of Fiji’s journalists

By Graeme Dobell Fiji will soon vote on Frank Bainimarama, the military supremo who slowly morphed into an elected leader. The man who has driven and...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

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AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

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