PNG Police condemns election related violence in Port Moresby

A stand off outside the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby culminated into a violent attack in which supporters of rival candidates clashed...

108 seats yet to be declared –PNG Electoral Commissioner Sinai

-About 108 seats are yet to be declared in Papua New Guinea with nine days the return of writ date. The PNG Electoral Commission expects...

Worry over return of writs in PNG

Nine days from the scheduled date for the return of writs, some Papua New Guinea election officials are worried that they will miss the...

PNG Electoral Commissioner :No election will be deemed as failed

Papua New Guinea Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai says no election will be deemed as failed unless a full report is given by security and...

Hunt for PNG election candidates in Enga: PNG Police Commissioner

Papua New Guinea Police Commissioner David Manning has fired the first warning shot in the hunt for candidates who were involved in disrupting the...

Chair of the Tuvalu Broadcasting Corporation wins Nanumaga by-election

Chairman of the Tuvalu Broadcasting Corporation ( TVBC) Board of Directors is the successful candidate for the other Nanumaga seat in the House of...

Thousands miss out in PNG polls as leaders demand explanation

Thousands of voters have missed out in the polls igniting angry leaders to call on Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape and Electoral...

President Fritch describes pro-independence candidates’ wins in Tahiti as catastrophic

French Polynesia's president Edouard Fritch has described the election of three candidates of the pro-independence Tavini Huiraatira party to the French National Assembly as...

PNG Parties investing heavily on campaigning and candidates

Three major parties have emerged as frontrunners to form the next Papua New Guinea government with their party leader’s eager to be next Prime...

Stunning electoral victory for independence party in French Polynesia

By Nic Maclellan In an unprecedented electoral victory, the independence party Tavini Huira’atira has won all three seats allocated to French Polynesia in the...

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