More needs to be done to protect our oceans, says France-Oceania summit

By Iliesa Tora Pacific Island heads of states and fisheries ministers have agreed that more needs to be done to protect our oceans from...

How to avoid a repeat of Samoa’s election crisis

by Nick Rogers and Richard Reinen-Hamill With a resolution to Samoa's election crisis seemingly reached, several Pacific experts have set out how the country...

Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers discuss regional priorities at 2021 meeting

Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers will hear from Secretary General Henry Puna for the first time in their annual ministerial meet, the FFMM. The 2021 FFMM...

Noro Port: first e-port in the Pacific introduces digital catch documents and tracing

By Ronald Toito'ona The Noro Port in the Western province of Solomon Islands has become the first e-port in the Pacific region, after launching a...

Macron, memory and Moruroa

The French president won’t be able to avoid the legacies of nuclear testing when he visits Tahiti this week By Nic Maclellan When French president...

Developing nations put numbers on the table for the next climate finance goal

By Chloé Farand Nearly 100 developing countries have come together to define what success means at Cop26, raising the stakes for donor countries to step...

Morrison left out on Pacific rim over climate diplomacy

By Wesly Morgan The first national leader to congratulate Joe Biden on his election as U.S President was Fiji’s Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama. There...

Citizenship for sale: fugitives, politicians and disgraced businesspeople buying Vanuatu passports

By Euan Ward A controversial “golden passports” scheme run by the Pacific nation of Vanuatu saw more than 2,000 people, including a slew of...

Pacific ACP Trade Ministers discuss WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies

The Pacific ACP Trade Ministers Meeting today considered an update of the WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies agreement (FSA) and welcomed the progress made...

New project scales up early warning systems in the Pacific

A new project, Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological Early Warning Systems in the Pacific, has been launched with funding from the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems...

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Australia unveils $190 million security deal for Solomon Islands

Australia has struck a new security agreement with Solomon Islands to bolster the size of the Pacific island nation's police force. The ABC has been...

Proposed Solomon Islands constitutional amendment defeated, 14 MPs’ absent from voting

Solomon Islands government’s move to amend the constitution which proposed an extended timeframe to allow for the establishment of the Constituent Assembly was defeated...

Fist bumps as more than 130 Australians arrive home safe after surviving Vanuatu’s worst...

With a fist pump and tears of relief, Chantel Mara was visibly emotional as she stepped onto the tarmac at Brisbane international airport, finally...