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Rosso re-elected as Lae MP

Lae Member of Parliament and deputy Papua New Guinea Prime Minister John Rosso has retained his seat for the second term polling past the absolute majority getting 26,818 votes. Returning officer Kusak Meluk made the declaration of MP elect for Lae John Rosso Sunday at Sir Ignatius Kilage Stadium before counting officials, scrutineers and security personnel. Rosso thanked everyone that participated...

Marshall Islands gears for joining Covid world

A hastily called Covid Summit last week in Majuro publicly announced the Marshall Islands government’s intention to eliminate after 01 October the managed quarantine system that has been required for over two years to enter this western Pacific nation. The Marshall Islands is one of only a handful of nations left in the world that is Covid free and has...

Pacific leaders welcome Australia’s ‘renewed commitment’ to climate change

Pacific leaders have welcomed Australia’s “renewed commitment” on climate change and interest in co-hosting a United Nations climate summit with Pacific nations, as Anthony Albanese heralds a successful reset of relationships in the region. At the close of the Pacific Islands Forum in Suva last Thursday, leaders emerged on time and smiling from their daylong leaders’ retreat, before cutting a...

Fijiana win Oceania rugby championship in a thriller

Fiji captured the 2022 Oceania Rugby Womens Championship title with a hard-fought win against Samoa, scoring on the final play to claim victory. Raijieli Laqeretabua's try opened the scoring for the Fijiana in the 16th minute, but the Manusina brought the margin back to two with Cassie Siataga's penalty goal. Minutes later, the Fijiana extended their lead to seven with a...

Samoa win Pacific Nations Cup 2022

The final match of the Pacific Nations Cup had all the drama needed for the crowd who watched on from the hill of Churchill Park. Everything rested on this final game and, with the clock red, it wasn’t until the ball was finally kicked to touch by Samoa that the result was secure. This was a comeback for the...

‘We have to’: Aust PM throws support behind PNG earning 18th NRL team as Pasifika plan revealed

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has thrown his support behind an NRL team in Papua New Guinea, and floated expansion into the Pacific region as well. It comes amid suggestions PNG could combine with Tonga, Samoa, the Cook Islands and Fiji to allow a Pasifika team to become the NRL’s 18th. The Australian PM met with PNG counterpart James Marape, among...

51st Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Communique 2022

The Fifty-First (51st) Pacific Islands Forum was held in Suva, Fiji from 11 – 14 July 2022, and was attended by the Heads of State, Government, and Territories of Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, the Republic of Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu. French Polynesia was represented at Vice...

Chair of the Tuvalu Broadcasting Corporation wins Nanumaga by-election

Chairman of the Tuvalu Broadcasting Corporation ( TVBC) Board of Directors is the successful candidate for the other Nanumaga seat in the House of Parliament. Reverend Dr Kitiona Tausi received 240 votes in the Nanumaga by-election held Friday. Acting Secretary to Government – Dr Tufoua Panapa when announcing the results of the By-election for Nanumaga, congratulated Rev Tausi for being elected...

Forum Leaders endorse the Suva Agreement

By Pita Ligaiula The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting has ended in Fiji with the endorsement of the Suva Agreement. This was confirmed by the Forum Chair and Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama during a press conference at the Forum Secretariat in Suva. Bainimarama said the leaders recognised the Suva Agreement as a political commitment to reform the Pacific Islands Forum...

Cook Islands: “Uphold the decision making process of our Forum leaders”

By Nic Maclellan The Cook Islands representative to the Pacific Islands Forum, Tepaeru Herrmann says they respect Kiribati’s decision to withdraw from the Forum, but that upholding the decision to appoint former Henry Puna to the Secretary-General’s position is of great importance. Prime Minister Mark Brown is preparing for national elections on 01 August, so Cook Islands’ representative at the...

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‘Stop the violence and killing against Kanaky people’: Vanuatu MPs from Tafea Province

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